mattresses & come downs

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you felt him buck under you, was he uncomfortable at your offer? or was he still deciding? lips finding the surface of his ear lobe you bit down gently, sucking fiercely, trying hard to persuade his mind without words. never leaving his ear, your other hand dug into your bra, pulling out the bag that you were keeping safe. your cold breath now running down to his ear drum.

"come on daddy, don't you want just a little?"

his eyes never left yours, fixating on your every move. you grabbed his hand, that was steadying yours in which was trembling, moving it towards the entrance of the bag. undoing it, you dipped his index finger in. removing it with the powder intact, covering his finger, you started sucking on it. eyes locked onto his, slightly humming as his digit moved up and down the back of your throat, the taste intoxicating your mouth. you felt his cock harden and press against your inner thigh, reacting almost as a reflex the heat between your legs began to rise, stomach in knots of lust. you started slowly moving up and down, tempting it. he was licking his lips at how hard you were trying to convince him to share the experience with you.

"because you begged so nicely"

you took that as a yes, instead of offering it to him on the necklace rey gave you half way through the night, you took a small amount out of the plastic ziplock, and smeared it onto your cleavage, arching your back to give him better access, his tongue came into contact with your skin, making you whine at the sudden warmth and wetness that was causing your nerves to explode. tongue up, down and across your cleavage, he left trails of salvia along your chest, before latching onto the side of your neck, biting and sucking on the skin. you weren't sure if it was the alcohol, drugs or both but the sensation that he was giving you was heightened. feeling his touch all over his body. ecstasy rushing through your brain. making your skin feel like one overall clit. 

desperately aching for him, your nails ranked into his hair, tugging at his scalp, letting out a soft grunt at your touch he bit down harder onto your neck.

"i want to mark the whole of your body angel. make you remember who owns you" 

his words roughly rasped at your skin, making his way to your jaw before sinking his lips onto yours. you could still taste the bitterness on his tongue, the acidic aftershocks intertwining in both of your mouths. gently moaning back and forth, the vibration of your noises flicked a switch in his mind. wasting no time, he picked you up and carried you over his shoulder. head hanging low around his torso, your blurry vision of the couch got smaller and smaller until a door blocked your view. hand connecting with your ass slapping your helpless draped body, he threw you onto the silk sheets. remembering the feeling of how they encompassed your warmth after the first time he broke you in, the first time his body clung to yours in a desperate attempt to lull you back to sleep. the sheets felt orgasmic. the material gliding past your writhing uncontrolled body. silk grazing your feet, shoulders, thighs. kylo was circling round the bed, drinking you in, analysing your every move. his energy spiking, aggravating, hungry. 

"come on stop teasing" 

you whined. he chuckled at how desperate your were for his touch to find your body again. the heat between your legs building to a point of numbness, thighs pressing together to give comfort to your beating pulse. 

you saw him move to his nightstand, pulling out a piece of fabric matching the same as the sheets you were sprawled across. knee finding the bed, you shuffled your body closer to him, suddenly the room went dark, placing a blindfold over your eyes, you were now completely exposed to his actions. you could sense him moving, pacing. his index finger started to trail down your body, you whimpered and bucked at the immediate touch. 

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