private rooms for private eyes

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you didn't move for another five minutes after mr ren left. trying aimlessly to catch your breath and work out the addictive euphoric feeling you experienced under his touch. you slowly calmed yourself back down with some breathing exercises, in and out, in and out. who knew just his presence could affect your body so much. your hands still trembling, you decided to pack away the tape measure and gather the measurement sheet placing it under your arm. you scoped the room out, paranoid that there would be evidence of your sinful actions, a camera maybe? a speaker? nothing. he was already making you insane. flicking off the switch, you left.

mr dameron was walking your way as you were leaving for the day. "hey doll ! how was he then?" he asked with an intrigue.

you choked. "how was he? uh- we didn't. OH, yes, well he was intimidating to say the least. more intimidating than you !" you tried to sarcastically throw back at him, knowing for well he sensed something wasn't quite right with you. your eyebrows constantly raised or scrunched, eyes alert, lips creasing at the corners.

"okay? well, just be careful with him. he's a tough client. last time he needed a suit for an event the fashion girl left straight after the first meeting, never came back. guess some aren't cut out for the way he handles business". he raised the coffee cup to his lips, eyebrows burrowed, looking almost worried for you. you stared at the mocha latte, trying to avoid any eye contact with him, just in case he could read your dirty and pathetic mind.

"glad to know, well i'm a big girl who can handle herself, but thank you for the heads up. i guess i'll see you bright and early tomorrow?" you wanted to leave this whole conversation as fast as you could. like a sinner at church, you felt wrong inside, you felt as if everybody in the whole damn office had x-ray vision to a private show of what happened behind that tainted glass door.

"yes. bright and early! don't be late again! otherwise it won't be me who you'll have to deal with" he winked as he walked away from you. did he know? he must have been talking about mr ren? who else would 'teach you a lesson' for being late, a second time. god it made you paranoid. and a part of you loved it.


"well hello there" rey smugly spoke as you were entering your apartment. sitting perfectly at the makeshift dining table/kitchen counter she was sipping on more black coffee. but was this time accompanied by some sort of pastry, probably left over from her shift at the diner. yawning as she bit down into it, you joined her, sitting at the opposite end.

your feet dangled as you hopped onto the chair, curse being the literal size of a smurf. swinging you feet as you sat staring at her. "why hello, how was your shift?" you asked. trying to dodge all personal questions she could fire at you any second. you were hoping she had a bad day at work with a long tiresome story to tell you about another jack-ass regular.

"oh you know, same old same old. no-one new, no-one special. you okay hun? you're fidgety, how was your second day on the job then? spill it all, don't leave anything out. even tell me when you went to the bathroom. i want to know everything!"

fuck. no escaping now.

you gulped as you began. "well it was interesting. i met with my first client today. kylo ren? i'm pretty sure his name is" you knew his fucking name. that was all you were reciting in your head on the train ride back here. trying to seem detached to him, you carried on. "just like any other business man, wanting a new suit for an event, where he probably has a dozen he could wear to it instead. he wasn't much of a talker, probably too busy or thinking he was too prestigious to talk to an intern student who was on the floor measuring his pant length".

"oh so a typical white cis heterosexual man with too much money then?" rey fired back to you. you loved rey's hatred for men. she was a pure chaotic feminist. she would take you to any feminine poetry night at the diner they had, any rallies and even to her favourite gay bar to show you that the gays know how to have a good night, better than any straights out there. you were always open to the possibility of dating a woman, but the situation never arose. and certainly wouldn't while ren was in the picture constantly until christmas.

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