bruised egos

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TW: alcohol, drugs 

you hadn't seen kylo physically for what was nearly another week; whatever the phone call was about had kept him distracted and away from your touch for too long. when daydreaming at work while idly sketching away ideas for the next years spring collection, you couldn't help but let your mind wander. what did he even do for a living? he owned a large share in the fashion house but that surely wasn't his only claim to the abundance of wealth in which he radiated. he vacated to strip clubs, bought a rooftop apartment for one and ordered you new furnishings; businessman? was the only thing your dumb mind could think of. business in what exactly? you didn't know. writing a mental note to ask him the next time your eyes locked onto his; knowing that as soon as his lips were warming yours, your mind would be blank and your various intrusive questions would fade away. 

poe was looking extremely happy while grazing his finger over your desk divider; typical coffee was slotted into his hand and your couldn't help but stare at the name that was written on the cup. 

'poe bear <3'

before he could speak, you butted in before him. 

"i'm guessing my favourite barista is now taken?"

"you guess correctly doll !" 

the clear wash of affection and pure happiness filled his face entirely; smiling from brim to brim, his eyes creasing into a vision of pure contentment, he even let out a little chuckle of embarrassment at how in love he was. you wished you could feel like that with kylo. wanting your own eyes to brim with adoration, the way your feet would practically skip into work after waking up next to him every morning, excited to get your day over and done with so you could go home to him just to cook, fuck, sleep and repeat. your mind was wandering again; toning out the blank verses in which were pertruding from poe's lips in front of you. you started to nod in a desperate attempt to join back into the conversation; but he knew your weren't listening, with a quick height in his pitch and change of subject you were back to focusing. 

"anyways, fridays from now on are 'work at home' days, so i'll send you an itinerary of tasks that i expect in by the end of the day, or for my favourite intern, on my desk by monday. speaking of monday, the team is finally finished with mr ren's tux so you'll be tackling any alterations needed. the event is in two weeks so it will have to be a tight turn around"

two weeks

you didn't realise that you'd be on his arm, meeting copious amounts of his 'co-workers', 'bosses' and other peers in less than fourteen days. the way his arm would be hovered over your lower back, guiding you to and fro, maybe his hand would meet your thigh as you sat, admiring the aura of your first outing together. it made your heart flutter with anticipation and dread. making another mental note to text rey, asking if she was free to do a bit of light shopping on your now free friday. you definitely had no extravagant clothes to suit for the sort of winter occasion he would be taking you to. 

watching as poe set you down a note pad full of tasks to complete, you couldn't have pulled your phone out of the pocket of your dress quick enough, thumb skimming over the screen until it pressed and found reys name. 

URGENT! you, me, shopping, friday? kylo taking me to some swanky event

she was texting back instantly, the ding of your notification probably lulling her out of a epitome of sleep she was held under. 

fine, on one condition 

and what is that ? 

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