Chapter 3

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"We need to talk."

"About what?"

"Me. I want to be able to live my life."

"I give you multiple opportunities to live your life. I expose you to things kids your age won't ever get to see in their lifetime."

"No. You are trying to make me into you. I don't want to be you."

"What's wrong with being me? I am a very successful man that worked hard to build my company from the ground up."

"You are always at the office. You never have time to got out with friends. You don't even have any friends. You walk around with your nose in the air because you have all these material things. I bet you don't even know what having fun is anymore and that's who you are trying to turn me into. I don't want to be you I want to be me."

"I did what I did and I do what I do to take care of you and give you everything I never had. So don't make me the bad guy for trying to be a good parent."

"What's wrong with what you had? I see the pictures on the wall you used to be cool. Playing football and having a lot of friends and look at you now. You sit at a desk feeling superior to everyone around you. I know why you try to keep me at the office with you all the time and around thoes arrogant white people. You don't want them to find out what you already know. I'm not going to run that company. I'm going to do what I want to do and there is nothing you can do when that time comes. You are worried about what they will think of you, not my future."

"You are my daughter, you live in my house and what I say goes. I am investing in your future weather you see it that way or not. It is your responsibility to follow in my footsteps and continue the family legacy I am trying to build. I don't know where you get the audacity to talk to me like that but -, actually I do know where you get from. From Aaryn and Teyanna they have you thinking you are somebody that you aren't. Matter of fact I don't want you associating with them anymore. What man in his right mind would let his daughter be friends with a girl who calls herself King? What man let's his daughter call herself King? You don't need to talk to thoes types of people."

"What type of people? Humans. They are people just like you and I are people and who you work with are people and the investors are people."

"They are a better quality of people. That's the difference."

"Better quality? People are not products their is no such thing as a better quality person."

"Yes there is and you would know that if you weren't trying to become some hood rat. Your mother would be so disappointed in you."

"Don't you dare say that. Don't you dare bring her into this. I don't care what you think I know she is proud of me for not letting you turn me into a machine. I hate you and I mean that."

"You better take that back and apologize."

"Apologize for what? Having feelings. I won't ever apologize for being human."

I went up to my room slamming my door and locking it. Why would he bring my mother into this? He knew how I felt about that but he said it anyway. For that I hate him. I went in my bottom desk cabinet and pulled out two pre rolled stress relievers and some snacks. I usually never smoke in the house expecially when he is here but I don't care right now. I turned my phone off and sat on my bed smoking my problems away. I heard him knocking on the door and yelling but it all sounded like a blur.

I woke up in the same clothes I wore to school yesterday. Everything was going in slow motion. I made my way to the shower then it was starting to get clear. After I was showered and dressed in my pink and orange floral skater skirt with a orange spaghetti strap undershirt and a dark wash blue jean jacket paired with white on white vans, I checked my phone. There was nothing important going on just 30 missed calls from the man in the other room and a couple unread messages. I was early so I cleaned up trash from last night, sweeping scattered ashes off my side table, throwing away snack bags, and spraying some air freshener.

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