Chapter 49

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I wiped the blood that was dripping from my lip looking at these punks one by one right in the eyes. Especially the one in the middle because he is the reason my lip is bleeding. I was growing angrier by the second. I've been here for days chained to beds, locked in dark rooms, and finally I had enough. So the first chance I got when they unchained me I gave them hell. I took the chair I was sitting in and broke it on one's head. I swung the handcuffs and chains around hitting two where the sun don't shine. The last one caught me off guard because he was behind me so I didn't see him, I could barely see at all. I made a run for the door and he swiped my legs right from under me and I hit my face on the ground causing my lip to bust. Clearly he called for backup because seconds later 5 more people were in the room chaining me back up. I kinda wanted to laugh, they called themselves kidnapping me which didn't go well because I don't cooperate. Now here we are and I'm sitting here plotting on how to get all of them the next time they let me go. Hopefully they are stupid enough to make that mistake again.

The door opened and someone came in. That made them start whispering to each other. By the looks on their faces I knew my opportunity had just come up. They always do that whisper huddle before they move me to a different room. Who ever it was walked out and everybody else turned to me.

The lights flickered on and I could see all of them better but my focus was the man in the middle, he wasn't going to get off that easy for my lip. I squinted waiting for my eyes to adjust.

"Mario?" I whispered to myself. The man in the middle was Mario.

I felt this sting in my chest and I know he could see the hurt in my eyes. I stared at him making sure that he did. How could he do this?

"We need to get her upstairs now." Someone said.

Mario started walking towards me, with the key to these chains in his hand.

"It's not personal ma. It's just business."

He unchained me and they had to carry me because I refused to go willingly. "It's just business", that set my skin on fire. So I wanted to return the favor and snatch his skin off and put it back on inside out and make him stand outside in the sun until he burns to death. I can't believe this. I can't believe him of all people.

They threw me down in this chair in front of a long table and somebody had their back to me sitting on the other side.

"King isn't it? Nice to see you again." The voice said turning around to face me.

"Raymond." I should have known his greasy ass was behind this. It would have only made sense, father and son.

"Ah, so you do remember who I am. I hope you have enjoyed your stay here. I told my men to show you the best Italian hospitality they could."

There is nothing more I had to say. My life was already hectic enough and now this is just the icing on the cake.

"I heard about the little incident that happened earlier, you must excuse them. We can have your lip taken care of in no time. Someone bring Marielle in here to get her cleaned up. Meanwhile I must ask, my men aren't the easiest to take down how did you manage to almost escape. I mean from what I was told if it hadn't been for my boy here you would have gotten away for sure. You must let me in on your secret."

I looked from Raymond to Mario who was standing beside him. He shifted uncomfortably under my gaze and ducked his eyes. Raymond looked back and forth between us trying to figure out what was going on.

"Is this about him?" Raymond said pointing to Mario. "Oh yes that's right you know my son, you've known him for a long time right? Oh dear this just got awkward. I don't know about you but I am not a fan of awkwardness. Well if this makes you feel any better he didn't want to do this. He fought me on it for a long time but you know how family goes. You do anything for the ones you love. That's actually why you are here."

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