Chapter 18

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The scene earlier played in my head while I waited to be called at the OB/GYN's office.

"Yo Winter let me talk to you really quick." Derrick said approaching me. I was kinda confused because he usually doesn't talk to me unless King is around.

"Uh okay. What's up?"

"Listen what happened can't happen again. It was a mistake."

"What are you talking about Derrick?" I asked studying my feet.

"What happened on Friday."

"A lot happened on Friday. Can you be more specific? I don't even remember seeing you on Friday. Were you at the party?" I spoke trying to remember.

"You don't remember what happened? I know we were both drunk but I would think you would remember something like that."

"Derrick I have a lot going on right now." The words started spilling from my mouth. I haven't had anybody I could talk to about my problems so it just came out. "I lost my sisters, my old best friends are coming back in my life, i've been sick since Saturday and when I went to the doctor she said I could be pregnant. My life is falling apart right now so if you could just make your point that would help."

"Wait you're pregnant?" His eyes widened then dropped to my stomach.

"That's what the doctor told me."

"I'm sorry." He said and walked away.

I still don't know what he was talking about but I have too much going on to care. As soon as the last bell rung I went straight for my car. I had an appointment that I was not going to be late for.

"Winter Carter." The nurse called.

"Yes. That is me."

"The doctor is ready for you in room 3."

How ironic, room 3. I grabbed my things and went into the room.

"Hello Ms. Carter. I am Doctor Shaw, what can I do for you today?"

"I went to the hospital yesterday and a couple tests were run on me and Doctor Eagles told me that I could be pregnant. I need to know for sure if I am or not. I am still a virgin so I just know it's not possible but I want to be 100 percent sure that I am not pregnant." I informed her.

"Okay. There are a few tests that I can preform for you today. I can give you an ultrasound depending on how far along you are or are not." She said carefully. "I can send a urine sample down the hallway and get the results back immediately and I can check to see if you have been sexually active."

"Okay." I know I haven't been sexually active. I made a promise to myself that I would wait.

"If you would change into the examination robe and hop up on the table we can begin the tests." She said putting the hospital dress in my hands and walking out so I could change. I did what I was told and waited for her to come back.

"Let's start with the urine sample. There is a bathroom right through that door." She gave me the little cup and I went and filled it. When I came back she took the cup at left. When she came back she asked me to lay back.

"I am going to check your vaginal cavity. That is how I can tell if you have been sexually active or not. If you are your cavity will be slightly ajar from the act of sexual intercourse." She said to me. I felt so uneasy about what she was about to do. I just tried to think about good things so I would be distracted. I am captain of the cheer squad, I am a senior and am about to get out into the world. I want to travel and see what the world has to offer.

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