Chapter 12

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When I texted Jayla and Alice about what they were wearing I found out Alice was wearing the same thing as me I knew something going to happen so I packed a backup outfit. I can't believe August doing me like this. He is the one who said he wanted to be my best friend and then he just sat there and let his friends play me in front of King and Aaryn. That's okay he don't have to talk to me ever again as far as I'm concerned. I had walked off from them and ended up bumping into some dude. I'm a little more than tipsy. Me, Alice, and Jayla were doing shots when I first got here.

"My bad."

"Ya good ma."

Damn does everybody here have August's accent? I'm trying to forget about him but hearing his voice everywhere is not helping.

"Ya know since ya bumped into me ya have ta talk ta me now."

I'm down for a distraction.

"Is that right?"

"Ya know it."

"Okay. What's your name?"


"That's cute."

"What's ya name ma?"


"Ya want a drink?"

"Yeah that's cool."

He came back and we sat by the stairs drinking and talking. He was flirting with me and I was flirting back. Some time passed and we had drunk two vodka mixes and he had came back with a third cup for both of us. I sat on his lap when he sat down and I took a sip and put my cup down.

"Ya so beautiful ya know that?"

"Thanks Jeremiah. You not so bad yourself."

"I want ta get ta know ya better."

He handed me my cup.

"Let's go somewhere quiet." He suggested.

As soon as I stood up King came and knocked my cup out of my hand. That set me off.

"What the fuck is your problem?"

"You better watch how you talk to me Winter. If you wanna get sideways then I can get sideways too."

"Get sideways then. You came up to me knocking shit out of my hand so what's the fucking issue?"

"You are my issue. You don't have a mind of your own. You can't even think for yourself. You just do what everybody around you is doing."

"What the fuck you mean I don't have a mind of my own? I choose to be friends with your ass which was a fucking mistake because you think you are running shit and everybody has to bow down to you. You ain't shit Teyanna so stop acting like it."

She balled up her fists and took a step back then came forward and punched me right it the mouth. I went stumbling backwards. I didn't try to catch myself because I remembered Jeremiah was behind me and I was sure he would catch me. I realized I was wrong once I made contact with the floor. The room was spinning so I didn't even attempt to get up. I heard yelling and tried to decipher the voices.

"What did you hit her for?"

"Why does it matter? Whose side are you on?"

"I'm on her side because if she didn't do anything to you then you were wrong for hitting her."

"I'm glad you feel that way. That means there is no reason for us to be talking to each other then."

After that it went black. When I woke up the sun was shining through the window and right into my face. I turned away from the light. My head was pounding and my body was aching, all I wanted to do was sleep. I closed my eyes then my phone started screaming at me. I peeled the cover back, I don't remember taking all my clothes off but I was completely naked. I grabbed my phone declining the call. I started the shower and sat down on the floor of the shower and let the water run over me. I have no strength in my legs. I damn near had to crawl to the bathroom. After about an hour I could feel my legs again so I stood up and actually washed myself. When I got out of the shower my phone was yelling again. I wrapped a towel around myself and declined the call again. I didn't care who it was I didn't want to talk. While I was looking for some clothes I glanced in the mirror.

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