Chapter 15

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I threw up all Saturday and now it's Sunday. I've been drunk before but I've never had alcohol poisoning and I think that's what this is. I drug myself out of the bed and into the shower. I need to go get some medicine or something I feel horrible. I can't keep food down and all I can do is lay down, everything else hurts. After my shower I put on some sweats and a shirt then grabbed a bottle of water since I wouldn't be able to eat anything. I drove in the direction of the pharmacy but ended up going to the hospital. The pharmacy can't possibly have medicine for alcohol poisoning.

"Hello how may I help you?"

"I've been throwing up nonstop sense friday. I think I have food poisoning." I couldn't say alcohol because I am not of age to drink. I don't need to be getting in trouble with the law in the middle of all this.

"Okay. Fill out these papers and we will get you examined right away."

"Thank you."

I took the clipboard and went to the waiting room. It was surprisingly empty, probably because it's Sunday. After I was done filling out everything I went straight to the back to an examination room.

"So what seems to be the problem." The doctor asked.

"I think I have food poisoning. I've throwing up nonstop since Saturday."


She started pulling out all of these different tools. She checked my vitals and made me pee in a cup.

"You might be having an allergic reaction to something you ate. Your lips are swollen and your temperature is through the roof."

"My lips are swollen?"

I had rushed to get here so I did all my hygiene without even looking in the mirror. My hair probably looks a mess.

"Yes. They are very swollen."

They shouldn't be, the lady yesterday told me there would be no side effects.

"I'm going to prescribe you something for the swelling and something for your stomach and the combination of the two should bring your fever come down."

"Okay. Thank you."

"I'm also going to send your urine sample to figure out exactly what caused all these problems."

I knew she was going to figure out it was because I was drinking but I don't know what caused this swelling it should be down by tomorrow.


"You should receive a call later with your results. Here are your prescription papers. Get them filled immediately."

She handed me papers and walked out. I guess that means I'm free to go. I still feel horrible. Luckily when I got to the pharmacy they already had that type of medicine in stock so I didn't have to wait for hours until they called me. As soon as I crossed the threshold of the house I was popping pills, I wanted to be better already. I didn't bother eating I would just throw up including the medicine and I don't want to be doing all that so I took my water upstairs and laid down. I started thinking about the party and got mad all over again. Before I knew it I was on my phone sending August a message.

Me: It's real funny how you act so different around your old friends. It was your idea to bring Alice and Jayla to the party but as soon as you get around other people you put them out then talk to me like I'm some Lincoln Ave. Then you played me for King and Aaryn. I thought we were better than that game as you like to tell me but I guess we aren't. I just wanted you to know you rubbed me hella red so don't be surprised when I have nothing to say to you tomorrow.

After I got that off my chest I went to sleep there is no reason to sit up and stress over weather he was going to answer or not and if he did I'm pretty sure I started an argument and I don't have the strength for the back and forth. When I woke up my phone was screaming in my ear.

"Hello?" I spoke groggily without looking at the name. If it was August I was just going to hang up. I don't have time for him at the moment.

"Hello this is Dr. Eagles. I have your test results Ms. Carter."

"Oh. Okay. So you know what was causing me to throw up?"


There was an awkward pause.

"What did the results say?"

"Ms. Carter you are pregnant."


"The results show you are pregnant."

"I can't be pregnant. I'm still a virgin."

"That is what the lab processed from your urine sample. If you want I can make an appointment with an OB/GYN so you can know for sure."

"Yes. Please do that. I just can't be pregnant."

"Okay I will book an appointment and call you back with the details. And another thing, you might want to cut off the drinking so in the event you are pregnant you wont harm the baby."

"Yes Ma'am."

I hung up and fell back into my bed sheets. There is no way in hell I can be pregnant. I never had sex before. I was starting to stress real heavy. I don't know what I'm going to do if I'm pregnant. My whole life is going to be worse than it is already getting. I laid there and thought about what has happened over the past few days. I got two old friends back. I lost my sisters. The boy I thought was the one showed his true colors so he is out of the picture. King hit me and left a bruise that I had to get medically fixed. I went to the hospital and found out I could be pregnant and I have never had sex. I have cheer, I can't be pregnant that's going to ruin my chances of getting a scholarship and finally getting to see the world. I started to cry my eyes out how could my life get so out of control within a few days. I need to talk somebody I can't handle this by myself.

"Aliceee." I cried into the phone.

"Hey Winter I have to call you later I am meeting up with these people who saw me preform in theatre. This might be big for me."

"Okay. Break a leg."


She hung up before I could say bye. I called Jayla.

"Jayla please tell me you can talk."

"No. Sorry. I'm going with Alice to her meeting."

"Oh. Okay."



I dropped my phone on the floor and flopped back down in my bed. I curled in a ball and continued to cry. I'm sick and I'm tired and I have nobody to comfort me. I refuse to call that man so I will suffer all by myself. As soon as those thoughts passed through my head I was in the bathroom throwing up in the toilet. Life's really sour for me right now.

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