Chapter 38

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"Please pick up the phone. I just let me explain."

I rolled my eyes as I listened to and deleted another voicemail from Johnny. He seems not to understand what I meant when I threw that ring at him that night. It's over, seriously. There isn't anything he can tell that could make this okay. I keep playing that scene over and over again in my head.

"Aaryn wait let me explain."

"Wait for what? What can you possibly tell me that can justify what happened?"

"It was an accident."

"Accident? That's bullshit."

"Yeah you didn't accidentally fall in, we weren't even drinking." She said.

"Xyree. Shut up."

"Hell no, you might as well tell her how we went rounds without a condom."

I can't even explain how mad and hurt I was. Why would he go and cheat? I'm not even going to mention how she looked, not even worth a double take. Like she practice for Halloween all year. Anyway, enough about busted, crusty ketchup packet built basic bitches. We were in it for the long run. I used to see myself settling down with him when we got older. I did say used to.

Mama is in Jamaica right now so Serenity and I are at the house. I promised Serenity I would take her to Jumping Jungle and now seems like the perfect time so I can get my mind off Johnny.

"Pooh bear get dressed we are going to Jumping Jungle!"


She is a mess.

"Make sure to put on something you can jump in. That means no dresses. Put on a pair of tights and a cute shirt."


"Let me know when you are ready. I'll be in my room."

I went and put on some clothes that are comfortable but still cute. I don't leave the house looking like any old thing. I'm way beyond basic, *cough cough* slug.

"Serenity where you wanna go eat afterwards?"

She didn't respond so I asked again, still no answer. Then I heard her scream and some glass break. I'm running full speed to her room and I'm panicking thinking worse case scenario the entire way there.

"Serenity are you okay?" I asked breaking into her room.

"Somebody threw a rock at my window and it hit me."

She had a small gash on her leg. I picked her up and took her in the bathroom to get it cleaned up. I guess it's time I tell the truth. I met King the summer before 7th grade, we don't tell people that because it's apart of a something nobody needs to know. So we just say The 3 met freshman year.

Back in the day King and I used to run for a nigga named Rico. All we did was make deliveries. Don't ask what's in it and don't tell what you do, those were the rules. After every delivery we would make like $500 each. That's bank for a couple of 12 year olds. I did what I had to do since we didn't have a male figure and Mama was still in school and pregnant. King was in it just because she was cool with Rico way before we became runners, might as well get money while your at it was her reason. By the time I got into high school I had about half a mil saved up and you know that was just money I put to the side. We were living that's all I can say. Serenity wore name brand everything down to the bows in her hair. I was flashy too, I had anything I wanted. Mama started getting suspicious, I would drop a stack in her bank account almost every week. She knew something was up but didn't know I was the one helping out. My grades never slipped and I never got caught leaving the house at 12 and 1 in the morning. After I saw we were good and wasn't ever going to struggle anymore I told King we should fall back from the game. She got out a little after me. I haven't talked to Rico since then and I hate to call him but Mama is gone and I won't have Serenity in danger.

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