Chapter 14: Nerves

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Zenobia's POV

Ever since we got back from visiting his aunt, Kyle been tense. I knew it had something to do with his mother showing up and the stunt she tried to pull between us.

Kyle always been silent when it came to his mother. He was much more open and vocal about his aunt and his childhood with her but not his mom.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked him as I got closer to him in bed and rested my head on his chest. His arm circled me.

"Yeah I'm fine."

"I can tell that you're not. Why not just try and talk to your mom, forgive her and try to work things out between the both of you. After all, she is your mother and I can bet she loves you and cares for you."

"Zen, you have no idea what kind of woman she is. She is barmy and delusional. She doesn't have the qualities of being a mother and she never will have them."

"Kyle, you can't hover someone's past over their head forever. Or else no one would be given a chance to redeem themselves. At least try to patch things up with her. Take her to lunch, plan a mom- -and -son day."

"We'll see."

"Baby, I know you want to try. It's in your eyes. Just give her a chance."

"Okay. I'll meet with her sometime next week. Will you come with me for support?"

"I think the first meet-up should be just the two of you as there will be tension to resolve especially on your path. But I'll be there for the next one."

He pulled me much closer and planted a kiss on my cheek before we drifted off to a peaceful sleep.


Kyle's POV

The following week came too damn quickly and I was dreading lunch with my so called mother.

After taking Zenobia to work, I headed to the restaurant which was almost a three hour drive from HT and to my utmost surprise, my mother was already at our assigned table.

I reluctantly pulled out the chair and joined her.

"My darling," she greeted. She was wearing a deep green pants suit and she struggling hair managed to curl up to frame her face. Her cheap perfume almost made me puke as she came around to hug me.

""Hi Jess," I answered. Her smile faded and she withdrew the hug. Thank God.

"Kyle, would it hurt if you call me mom?" she asked.

"Yes. It would hurt. Because then I'll have to remember my childhood with you. I'll have to remember my sister you allowed your drunkie boyfriends to abuse. I'll have to remember the alcohol and drugs you chose over your own flesh and blood. So, do you really want me to call you that?" My blood was already boiling and I wasn't about to sugarcoat anything to her. She was a sorry excuse of a mother.

"Kyle, for all those awful things I've done to you and your sister, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. The two of you deserved better."

"And we got better. We got Aunt Jackie. She didn't have to save us from your mental incompetence but she did. If a woman whom never gave birth to a child could take care of that child, love that child, there's no excuse as the why the actual mother can't do the same!"

"Kyle, I was sick. I couldn't take care of you. I wasn't in a position to take care of you. After your father left, my world fell apart. I resented him and then I started resenting having children with him."

I watched as she heaved a long sigh and wiped at a few fallen tears. My phone chimed softly on the table. A text from Zenobia that read I know it can be tough but you could find it to forgive her. She's your mother.

"Let's order," I offered. A waitress came over, took our orders and menus and the conversation between my mother and I shifted to the present.

"So you're your girlfriend's bodyguard?" she asked sipping on her wine.

"I am."

"And how are liking the job so far?"

"One of the best jobs I've ever had. The pay is generous and I get to protect the woman I'm falling in love with."

"You can't possibly."

"Excuse me?"

"Kyle, look at yourself for a moment in the mirror. Do you really think The Hollens are going to welcome you into their circle? You don't fit in with them. That girl doesn't love you. She's just catch up in a fling. The billionaire and the bodyguard."

"Why are you even telling me this crap?"

"It's not crap. You're my son and it's my job to protect you."

I almost choked on my diet soda. "Your what? Jessie, you got some nerve to sit there and talk that shit. Where were you to protect me when I needed it most, huh? Now I'm a grown ass man and you want to ride in to protect me? I don't need your protection. Go protect your alcohol and drugs!"

"There's no need for you to be nasty and petty towards me. I'm aware I made a terrible mistake and was a terrible mother but I'm correcting my wrongs. The Hollens are bad news. Zenobia will chew you up and spit you out like bubblegum."

"Don't you ever judge my girlfriend and don't talk about her family as if you know them. They're nice, caring and loving people. They're what a real family is. Mothers who actually raised their children and fathers who stick around and guild their children."

She scoffed. "Even though, that doesn't hide the fact that they're crooks and snakes. You need to find someone who matches your status. Zenobia is way out of your league, son. You're a dump in the middle of the street. You'll never be able to match her success and be masculine in that relationship."

"Lunch is over." I placed the money on table, stood up and walked out of the restaurant leaving my mother behind me.

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