Chapter 58: The Call

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Kyle's POV

The floor was torture, and the rug wasn't helping either but I wasn't going to break my word to Zenobia anymore.

After she stated I can join her in the bed, I kindly rejected and she went back to sleep. I tried making myself comfortable.

"Why there's no pull-out bed here?" I asked myself. My left side ached so I turned on my right, and that started aching too.

"Damn it!" I mentally cussed. I looked over to the big comfortable bed, and it appears to be saying 'Get your ass in here, Kyle!'

Carefully and slowly, I walked over and got in, making certain I didn't disturb her from her sleep.

The next morning, I woke up before Zenobia and found her head on my chest and her arm around my waist.

"When did this happen?" I questioned. I gently removed her arm and pulled myself up from under her head. I walked towards the washroom, peed and took an early morning shower.

Returning back into the room with nothing but a towel wrapped around me, I noticed she was up now and was looking at the window.

"Good morning," I greeted.

"Good morning," she replied, smiling at me, "I had a dream last night."

"Oh yeah. What about, if you don't mind me asking?"


My heart picked up speed and I chuckled at her response. "What did you dream about me?"

"Not telling."

"Ahh. By the way, sorry for invading your space. The floor was very uncomfortable."

"Kyle, I invited you in the bed. It's fine."

"So, I'll head to my own room, get dress and start the day. Any plans?"

"I'll check with everyone else before deciding on that."

I nodded, took my clothes I was wearing and left her room.

After Ron and Tiffany whipped up breakfast for the lot of us, we gathered outside and ventured out for a walk. Everyone paired off.

I walked side by side with Zenobia as we walked towards a trail.

"We should do this more often. Get out and enjoy nature," she said as she looked up at the trees.

"Watch your step," I said and caught her as she tripped on a stone.


"Don't mention it."

She sighed and sat down on a rock nearby.

"What's troubling you?" I asked. I watched as she opened a bottle of water and took a drink.

"I'm so confused," she said.



"What is confusing about that?"

"I don't want to be alone but I don't want to get hurt again."

"You need to figure out what exactly it is that you want. You can't look at other people's lives and decide that that is what you want. You need to decide on your own time, Zen. I'm sure you'll figure it out soon."

She nodded in understanding and we continued on our walk.


After an hour, we reached a stream with rushing water. The birds chirped in the tall trees, the rays of the sunshine battled with the green leaves and the atmosphere was pleasing.

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