Chapter 11: When The Shoe Is On The Other Foot

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Kyle's POV

She rejected me and I felt it to my core. I was falling in love with Zenobia Hollen but she wasn't feeling the same towards me.

I hated myself for feeling this way. I appeared to be desperate, weak and pathetic for her. I understood she was still hurting over Jake, but I wanted her to know that she doesn't have to hold on the hurt or be afraid to love someone else. I wanted to be her man. I wanted her to be mine.

I fell in love with Zenobia when we were both sophomores in high school and I asked her to the 'End Of Year Sophomore Dance'. She showed up in the most stunning, most beautiful dress that had everyone, including the teachers, in awe. Her hair was silk pressed and wrapped in a fancy bun, her makeup was light and compliment her facial beauty. She was amazing.

The moment we started dancing, I knew I wanted her but all things fell apart at Senior year, and things were falling apart once again.

Monday came and it was back to the routine. Taking a car from the garage, waiting for Zenobia and taking her to work then going to training with Kenneth.

I was at the punching bag when Kenneth approached and handed me a bottle of water.

"Take five," he suggested with a strong hold on my shoulder and ushered me into a private office.

Kenneth sat on the edge of the desk and I stood next to the door.

"There's a rumor, and I really hope that it is indeed a rumor, that you and Miss. Zenobia Hollen may be involved. I don't care to hear your side of things. My advice to you is to end it."

I swallowed my water without a word.

"Is that clear, Livingston?" Kenneth spoke again.

"Yes sir," I answered. We left the office and went to do self-defense training when Mr. Hollen showed up.

He was dressed in a sharp black suit with a briefcase in hand. He approached Kenneth and spoke in whisper tone.

The rest of us paused and waited at a distance until instructed to continue. But we didn't continue. Instead, we headed to the vehicles and drove to Mr. Hollen's mansion.

All the way there, the others kept saying that someone was in trouble, and how Mr. Hollen never shows up at training unless he was about to fire someone. I was worried to the point of sweating. I didn't want to lose my job. I was beginning to love it.

"Line up," Kenneth ordered as we exited the vehicles when we arrived on the premises. We formed a straight line.

Mr. Hollen stood at the front like an army General with Kenneth as his Major and we were his Privates. His eyes locked on me and he suggested for me to join him inside his home.

We headed to his office and I already knew what was coming.

"You're doing a good job as a bodyguard thus far, Livingston. Zenobia hasn't fired you. In fact, she told me she felt safe with you especially when she was out of the country. What's your secret?"

I cleared my throat. "I think it's because we're familiar with each other and we're not ages apart like her previous guards. She can relate to me in such sense."

"I see," he said, "Zenobia had nothing bad to say about you. Your driving is great, your guarding is excellent and you aced your test. You'll be surprise how many has failed because they thought she wasn't worth dying for especially on the first day on the job."

"I'm a man of my word," I said back.

"I called you in to offer you a raise. Double the payment and something extra for that test." I watched as he wrote a check and handed it to me. My eyes almost fell out.

Fifty thousand dollars.

He patted my back and we left the office. I had more spring in my step now.

The next evening, Zenobia had a family dinner at her uncle's house and to my utmost surprise, Mrs. Emma Hollen, The First Lady, invited me to the table. I sat next to Zenobia.

"So, how's everything going at HT?" the First Lady asked.

"I'm please to announce that Hollen Tower Two is under construction," Mr. Evan Hollen said and he raised his glass in celebration. Everyone followed with cheers and I awkwardly did too which caught Evan's attention.

"I'm sorry but Zenobia, why is he at the table? This is a family dinner," he said.

"Evan, I invited him to the table," the First Lady answered instead.

"Why?" Evan Hollen asked.

"Because he's Zenobia's boyfriend," she said and I almost chocked on the juice.

"Ma. He's her bodyguard. Not her boyfriend. Zenobia's boyfriend is Jake," Evan Hollen said.

"Actually, Jake and I broke up," Zenobia spoke up and everyone looked between us.

Oh no. Now they might assumed I'm the new guy.

"For what reason?" Mr. EJ Hollen asked, "Because I swear, if that son of a b...."

"EJ!" the First Lady scolded.

"I'm sorry. If he hurt you, he would have me to answer to and I can promise he wouldn't like to see me get angry," he finished with cleaner language.

"No dad, he didn't hurt me. I called it off because I couldn't trust him anymore."

"What was he doing?" her cousin, Jevan Hollen asked.

"He was a little too close to his personal assistant for my liking. Always going on trips together. Her showing up to his bedroom with the shortest dress. It wasn't sitting well with me. And she was too confident in talking back to me."

"You did the right thing," Mrs. Jasmine Hollen said.

Everyone agreed.

"So does that mean you and your bodyguard will be together, because I see the way he looks at you," Mr. Evan Hollen said and once again, all eyes landed on me.

Zenobia laughed. "Uncle Evan, Kyle and I aren't strangers to each other. We were childhood best friends and I still consider him a friend."

A friend?

Dinner was great. One of the best meals and desserts I've ever tasted. I drove Zenobia and myself home. As I exited the car, she came towards me.

"I feel like you're pulling away from me," she said.

"I have my reasons," I responded.

"Which are?"

"One, I'm your bodyguard, not your man. Two, there are talks about us and I don't want it reaching your father's ears."

"One, you're also my friend and we can have something together. Two, I'm a grown ass woman, I don't care what my father hears. So why don't you come inside with me."

She gently pulled on my tie.

"Listen, we shouldn't."

"Yes, we should. I want you."

"No. I'm more than just a dick slot machine. You can't just push my buttons and expect me to have sex with you!"

"Kyle," she pleaded.

"No Miss. Hollen. When you're over your hurt and you're ready for something serious, you can find me. You know where to find me."

I left her standing there looking shell-shocked.

It took everything in me to refuse Zenobia.

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