Chapter 7: No Rebound

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Zenobia's POV

Even though I was trying my all to not think about him and to not feel hurt and betrayed by him, I couldn't.

The week in Dubai was over and I was back in the office when my best friend walked in.

"Good morning, and what's with the long look on your face?" Tiff asked while handing me a document.

"Actually, I broke up with Jake."

"Really? What happened?"

"Caught him in Dubai with his personal assistant."

"That son of a bitch. They were in bed together?"

"No. They walked into the bedroom together but I think if I wasn't present, they definitely would have had sex. She was wearing the shortest dress ever."

"Well, it's always right to trust our instincts and if you have to question your relationship, it's probably not the one for you."

"He didn't even come to my defense!"

"That bitch tried to fight you?"

"She would have caught these hands so quick but Jake isn't worth it. I'm not fighting over any man. Clarissa had a lot of lip."

"Oh. She better don't even think about coming at you like that. And Jake is a damn fool."

"They deserve each other."

"Are you holding up okay?"

"I'm doing great. Just reflecting on all the red flags I missed and hating myself for it."

Tiff came over and gave me a warm hug. "It's going to be okay. You'll get through this. You're strong."

I smiled at her and I returned the gesture.


At home that evening, I headed straight to the refrigerator for a gallon of cookies and cream ice-cream. It was my favorite and I wanted to have someone to share it with.

I found Kyle in the guest house talking on the phone.

"Oh, Aunt Jackie, I gotta go. I'll call you soon, okay? Love you too," I caught his end of the conversation.

"Hi," I said.

"Hey. Sorry, I was just saying hi to my aunt."

"It's fine. You don't have to apologize for phone calls at the end of your shift. I'm actually here to invite you inside for some ice-cream. Care to join me?"


He followed me.

Kyle's POV

I've never been inside Zenobia's mansion before. I would wait outside the door for her on mornings.
Reaching the threshold, a beautiful scent hit my nostrils and I stepped into her home, I was greeted by cool air and a welcome feeling.

Her home was a luxury I could only dream about. Marble floors showed my reflection and a high ceiling screamed you can't touch me.

I was in awe.

"This way," she said and showed me to her kitchen. We sat on two bar stools and she served the ice-cream.

"Thank you," I said and dove in.

"Kyle, what happened to us?" she asked me, looking in my direction. I heaved a low sigh.

"I happened. I lied," I answered truthfully.

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