Chapter 48: No More Games

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Zenobia's POV

It was yet another day and I was one step closer to bringing my plans to a reality.

I slowly walked through the empty vacant facility, looking at the structure of the building while I mentally pictured the company's set up. Jordan tailed behind us with a glum look on his face.

"I must admit, I actually like it," Tiffany said once we were done looking around, "I can see myself working here."

"I like it too."

"Question, what is your father going to think?"

"What do I care?"

"You should. You are creating a business that is going to be a rival to HT. It's like you're going to be an enemy, Zen."

"That's not my problem. I'm doing me but in a much better way. All the plans and pitch he and my uncle shot down, I will develop those here."

"You go, girl."

I watched as Jordan typed busily into his phone before sliding it back into his pocket. I walked to his direction. His eyes locked on me as I approached.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"Everything is fine, Miss. Hollen."

"Really, because you seem a little distracted today and I can't have a distracted bodyguard."

"Apologies, ma'am."

"Good. Take us to the bank," I ordered. Tiffany and I walked ahead and out to the parking lot where the car was. Jordan held the door for us and we got in before he got into his seat and drove us to the bank.


"I'm heading to the ATM," Tiff said.

"Okay. I'm heading to one of the private tellers."

She departed and I showed my identification to one of the security guards and got escorted to one of the private tellers.

"Pleasant good morning, Miss. Hollen, what can I do for you today?"

"A withdrawal in the total amount of one million dollars," I answered.

"Wonderful. May I ask what's the reason for a large withdrawal?"

"Renovation of a property I recently purchased."

"Okay. Your card please, ma'am."

I handed her my black card. She accepted, scanned and swiped.


"Umm, what?" I asked, looking at her computer.

"There seems to be a problem with your black card."

"What's the problem?" I asked.

"Your potion of the account and funds have been frozen."

"WHAT, how can that be possible? This is The Hollens family account. We're all entitled to this account. I am a Hollen!" I shouted.

"And I am well aware ma'am. I'm trying to resolve this issue. Give me one moment please," she said.


She picked up her desk phone and made a phone call. Shortly, there was a knock on her door and someone walked in with a small white envelope. She handed it to me.

I tore into it and found a letter. A letter stating that I was froze from the black card account by one of the senior holders,  Ethan Junior Hollen.

I heaved a sigh, got up and went to find Tiffany and Jordan. We got back into the car where I told Tiffany what had transpired with my share of the account.

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