Chapter 49: The Grand Opening

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Zenobia's POV

I anticipated the grand opening of my company. The day had already arrived and I was staring at my outfit which was hanging on the wall, nearly ironed and ready to wear.

I took a deep breath, said a prayer, had breakfast and took a warm shower.

Absolutely nothing was going to ruining the delightful mood I was in.

After my shower, I got into my red silk off- the-shoulder train dress, with gold heels, gold drop earrings and gold chocker necklace and golden porch. My hair was silk pressed but curled at the end.
Makeup. One word. Flawless.

I felt like Zenobia Hollen again. The one in control and dominant and could take on the challenges and or obstacles in her way.

I was in the car with Jordan. I had to pick up my mom and Tiffany for early preparations. At exactly midday, we were at Zen & Iff Company, making the last minute adjustments.

Mom and Tiffany tied the red ribbon and handed me the scissor.

"Sure you don't want to invite your father?" mom asked, raising an eyebrow at me with a worried face.

I shook my head no.

"Okay. Well, whenever you're ready to begin then."

I looked around and noticed the premises was beginning to get crowded, even with familiar faces I met and saw at Hollen Tower.

Paparazzi were in their numbers, taking photos. Media outlets hosts were asking questions for interviews to publish on their blogs.

After another twenty minutes, I was ready to begin. I took to the podium with Tiffany at my side.

"Good afternoon everyone. Thank you very much for taking the time out of your day to attend the grand opening of Zen & Iff Company. A company founded by myself and with support of my best friend, Miss. Tiffany Smith," I began.

Tiffany smiled and waved at the crowd.

"At Zen & Iff, we're destined to make and to take micro-businesses as well as established businesses to a whole new scale and level. Turning you away, declining your proposals or laughing at your business ideas aren't in the cards for us. That being said, Welcome to Zen & Iff Company!" I finished.

There were cheers, shouts and applauses as I cut the red ribbon. Tiffany and I pushed the doors in and everyone entered into the building.

Richard had already decorated for the grand opening. The was a live band, balloons on the ceiling, a bar and a party-like atmosphere.


"Hi, Miss. Zenobia Hollen. I'm Ronny Mc Clan," a gentleman greeted me.

My eyesballs expanded at his sight and recognition. Ronny Mc Clan was a successful business man and was a self-made millionaire. He grew up dirt poor, lived on the streets, under bridges and in people's garages.

"Mr. Mc Clan, it's a pleasure having you here."

"I would love to be an investor in your company. Here's my card. When you are in office, please do call me. Enjoy your grand opening," he said and handed me his business card.

"Thank you, sir." I watched him walked away and searched to find Tiffany. She was looking for me too.

"Zen! Zen. I just ran into Mr. Steve Stunner. The millionaire. He wants to be an investor."

"I just met Ronny Mc Clan. He wants to be an investor too."

We squealed like two high school girls who just got asked to the prom by the popular boys.

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