Chapter 39: Without The Guy

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Zenobia's POV

I was somewhat enraged as I headed to my best friend's office. It was Monday and I disliked Mondays.

I opened the door and saw her talking on the phone. I sat down and waited for her to end the conversation.

"Thanks for calling," she said before putting down the receiver.

"Hi Zen," she started, turning her attention to me now.

"That was really something you pulled over the weekend, Tiff."

"Hey, I was doing you a favor."

"Oh really. You put me on the spot, Tiff."

"Zen, look at yourself. You're miserable without him in your life and him not even being at your side."

"I'm doing just fine without the guy."

"You were literally crying over him. You miss him. Put that tough pride aside and tell him how you really feel."

"I thought I did that already."

"And? You haven't even given me the details about the dinner. You're just ready to attack me and be all belligerent."

"Forgive me," I said with a small smile.

"Girl, I'm team Kyobia," Tiff said, causing me to laugh loudly.

"Please don't ever say that again," I said after catching my breath, "That was terrible."

"I thought it was cute."


Kate's POV

I had returned back to my own apartment from visiting my brother and was greeted by my ex-girlfriend, Trish.

"Hey, you. I got you an apple pie," she said and handed it to me as we headed up the steps to my front door.

"Thanks. Did you make this?"

"Of course yes. So, how was your trip?" she asked. I put the key into the lock and opened the door.

Home sweet home.

"Can't complain," I answered. I headed to the kitchen and placed the apple pie on the counter. I heaved a sigh from exhaustion.

"You look awfully tired," Trish said as she moved closer to me.

"Don't even think about it!" I cautioned her.

"Bae, are you still mad at me?"

"Don't call me bae, I'm not your bae! And hell yes, I'm still mad at you. You weren't honest about who you were and of all the people, you tried to get my...."

"I told you I wasn't a lesbian. I'm bisexual and I didn't know Kyle was your brother!"

"Y'all almost had sex!"

"We were young and dumb.. and drunk."

"If I hadn't walked in..." I said, slamming my hands down on the counter top.

"Baby, that was years ago. He had stop being friends with his best friend and was going away to college. He came over to visit. We were talking, drinking and just started making out. I'm sure not even he could remember."

"That's really cute, Trish. My brother and my girlfriend. Classy."

"Hey, you were the one keeping things between us a secret because you were scared of coming out. You even started dating that loser, Frank!"

"Don't fucking raise your voice at me. You should take your pie and leave."

A knock came to my door. I opened it and rolled my eyes.

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