Chapter 47: You Don't Say

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Zenobia's POV

I woke up to the ringing of my cellphone on the nightstand next to my bed. I groaned, sat up and answered.

"Zen, I know you didn't quit Hollen Tower and not tell me about it!" Tiffany spoke.


"Nope. Zip it. I'm in the car and heading your way right now. Notify your security." She hung up and I informed the security unit that was going to be visiting.

I gazed at the clock, rolled out of bed, took a warm shower, got dress and headed downstairs to breakfast.

" Good morning, Miss. Hollen," Jordan greeted as he appeared in the kitchen whilst I was having a cup of coffee.

"Good morning."

" Just a reminder that I would be out for the morning period. In the meantime, if you're heading out, I would advise you to have someone from the security unit with you."

"I'm not going out today," I said. He nodded and then left.

As I was done with breakfast, Tiffany arrived.

"Everyone at HT is talking about this, Zen," she informed as we sat down on the couch, "They're saying you quit. Others are saying you were fired by your own father. Zen, what is going on?"

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, that I left you in the dark on this. I wasn't fired. I was suspended by my father."

"Oh thank goodness. When are you coming back though?"

"That's the thing. I'm not coming back."

"What? Why the hell not, Zen, Hollen Tower is...."

"Please spare me the lecture, Tiff. I'm aware what Hollen Tower is."

"Okay. I'm bemused right now. Girl, what are you going to do?" she asked turning to face me with wide eyes.

"I'm going to show you."

We headed upstairs to my master bedroom and I retrieved my computer. I showed her my business plan and explained each process.

"Well, Hollen Tower better expect my resignation letter because I'm definitely working for you," she said in excitement as I closed the laptop once we were through.

"Tiff, you don't have to do that."

"You're my best friend, and you're like a sister to me. Of course I want to be by your side. Sink or swim."

"Sink or swim."

We hugged.


Jordan's POV

"What the hell took you so damn long, Jordan?" my girlfriend, LaTasha asked as she got into the car.

"Sorry. I had to..."

"I don't care. Just get me there!" she yelled.

She was furious and it was my fault. I overslept.

I drove us towards the doctor's office. Upon getting there, I held the door open for her and she got out. We walked up the steps and pushed in the door.

"LaTasha, right this way," the doctor's receptionist immediately said as we walked in, "The doctor is expecting you."



We knocked on the doctor's door before entering.

"Good morning," Dr. Richards greeted.

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