Chapter 56: Crawl

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Zenobia's POV

"The lady who gave birth to me?" Kyle said, his eyes going wide.

"What rock you crawled out of?" I asked, stepping an inch closer to the bed. The bed sheet covered the bottom half of her face and the rest of her body.

"GIVE IT UP!" Tiffany shouted at her, "You weren't hiding when you were riding my man like a boat!"

Kyle stood between us to keep the swings at bay all while holding the surprise look on his face. As much as I wanted to punch her face in for all the crap she pulled in the past, I contained myself.

Boa stood in the corner looking like a fool. Tiffany eyed him and moved towards him.

"It's not up to her to pay me any loyalty. It's you! You told me you loved me and wanted a future with me. I trusted you. I loved you and you turned around and do this to me.. in my own bed.. my apartment.. with someone old enough to be your mother!"

"Hey now," Jessie let out.

"Shut up!" I snapped at her.

"Baby, I'm sorry," Boa apologized to Tiff.

"Save your sorry. Take all your shit and get your ass out. Don't forget your grandma as well!" she yelled.

She exited the bedroom and I followed after her, so did Kyle. She sat down on the couch in her living room, fighting back tears.

"I didn't see this coming, Zen," her voice broke, "I swear I loved him. After years of being single, I thought I finally met the one for me." Tears slipped out her eyes now. I moved towards her, pulling her into an embrace only I could have provided.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. You'll be okay. I'm right here. You have me in your corner," I said.

"I know I'm going to be okay. I'm strong and I'll get over this."

I watched as her hands went to her stomach. "Please tell me I'll have your support in whatever decision I make towards the umm..."

"Tiff, I'll be by your side no matter what."

"Towards the what?" Boa asked, stepping into the living room.

"I think you should leave, you and my mother," Kyle told him.

"Nah, I'm not leaving until I know what Tiffany is talking about. Don't think I haven't been paying attention to your behavior lately. Vomiting, going to the bathroom often, cravings. I'm not dumb. You're pregnant, aren't you?" he finished with the question.

Kyle's mother entered the room now and overheard the question. "You told me you were always careful with her because you didn't want to get her pregnant. The thing you didn't want happen has happen, is that what you're saying Boa?" she asked.

This woman wasn't shameless. She slept with my best friend's man, knowing damn well he was in a relationship with Tiff. A rage blew my mind and the next thing I knew was I was reaching for a vase.

She managed to hid behind Boa's back right before it flew across the room towards her, smashing against the wall.

"I'll replace it," I told Tiffany, "But right now, Kyle, I need you to get your mother and that piece of shit out of my girlfriend's apartment before I kill them both. HOW DARE THEY!?" I shouted. It felt like steam were coming out my ears.

"Get the fuck out," Tiffany said to them. Kyle ushered them both to the door but Jessie wanted to have to last words.

"See, that's why I took your man. That's why he came to me because you're nothing!" she shouted at the threshold.

"Jessie! Shut up. You sound like a prostitute. Boasting about taking someone's man isn't an achievement. How you get him, it's how you're going to lose him," Kyle said and slammed the door in their faces.


I allowed Tiffany to take a few days off from work and when she returned, she was her bubbly self again.  Greeting everyone on her way by, smiling, laughing and holding conversations.

I knocked and entered her office at lunchtime.

"Hey Zen. It's a beautiful Monday, isn't it?" she asked, biting into a fish sandwich.

"Yeah it is. I came by to take you to lunch but I see you've already had a delivery."

"Oh, Ron got me this. As a welcome back."


"Yeah. He's the guy I told you I would hire to be my marketing assistant."

"Oh right."

She nodded and took another bite of her sandwich.

"So.. what have you decided about the pregnancy?"

"I already did the abortion."

"Oh, and I'm just finding out, why?"

"It was a decision I wanted to make myself. Although you wanted the role of being godmother, I couldn't bring a child into this world with pure hatred for the father. I was afraid I'll take it out on them and they wouldn't deserve that. Plus, I'm not ready to be a mom as yet."

"Sweetie, it's okay. As I said, I'll stand by you no matter what.

"I'm a bad person huh, getting rid of something that would be growing inside of me. I caused it. I had sex, got pregnant and got coward because I don't want to be a single mother."

"Tiffany, listen to me, you made a decision because it felt right to you. Don't you dare ask anyone for their judgment. Okay?"

She nodded. I left her to finish her sandwich and the other goodies Ron got her.


I stayed late in my office cross-referencing several documents I needed for a meeting on Friday.

I struggled with a yawn and rub at my eyes.


I almost leaped from my chair.

"Sorry, didn't mean to disturb," Kyle said.

"Hey," I said with a laugh, "Sorry I didn't notify you. I thought I would have completed this by now."

"No biggie. Anything I can help with?"

"Sure. Can you make the necessary corrections on this?"


He walked into the room like he owned it. He sat down across from me and looked over the document. I watched as his eyes were lock-focused on the page, making the necessary corrections as he read along.

He looked up from the page and caught me staring.

I went back to the computer as if I wasn't caught, finishing up the last task.

"Done," he said, placing it on the table.

"Thanks." I reached for the paper and my fingers touched his. Just a rush and bolts of electricity rushed through me.

I rose, turned off the air-conditioning and then the lights. I closed the blinds.

In total darkness, I walked towards the door and walked into the wall.

"Shit! I should have leave a light on. I walked right into the wall."

"Zen, that's not the wall. That's my chest."

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