Chapter 43: Fallen Pride

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Zenobia's POV

"So just to be clear, we're not going to rekindle?" I asked, voice breaking as I stood in front of his desk. I looked upwards, forcing to hold back the tears that were flooding my eyes.

I walked out of the office and out of the building, eyeing Tasha dangerously as I made my exit.

I got into my car and drove to my own job. I ran into my best friend as I stepped off the elevator.

"Hey, you good?" she asked, handing me a cup of coffee.

"I'm great," I answered.

"Nah. I can see a furious look on your face like you're about to beat someone. What's bothering you?"


"Damn. What did you do again, Zen?"

We made our way to my office. I flapped into my oversized leather chair at my desk and threw my head back in frustration. Tiffany sat across from me, eyeing me and sipping from her cup of coffee.

"I tried. Lord knows I've tried but for some reason, he doesn't want me back," I informed her, "And what's confusing the shit out of me is that, one moment he cares to the point of doing relationship stuff, and then the next, he doesn't want a relationship with me. What kind of bullshit is that?"

"Relationship stuff?" Tiff asked.

"Yes. He performed oral sex on me at his place," I answered, rocking the chair side to side.

"That really is confusing."

"I don't know what to do."

"Move on."

"Come again?"

"Move on," she repeated, "It's obviously he's no longer serious about you, Zen, or else y'all would have already patched things up. At this rate, Kyle is acting as if you killed someone he loves or maybe he's enjoying the attention he's getting from you. He might come to his senses when he sees you in the arms of another man."

"So I'm using someone to make him jealous?"

"I'm not saying that exactly. My advice is to move on, on your own terms of course, because I don't want you using some innocent guy to make your ex jealous," she explained

"I understand."

"Lovely." She got up, "Zen, you'll be okay. You're beautiful and successful. Kyle is a damn fool for not wanting you back and you're right for giving up begging after him like you got no pride."

Tiff left to start her daily tasks and I was using the last bit of strength to get over my ex-boyfriend. He was never going to see me walk into his office or pop up at his apartment again.


At the end of the day, when I was just about to walk out of my office, my father entered.

"Hey," he greeted.

"Hi, dad."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm good. You?"

"Likewise. I wanted to give you a heads-up on the upcoming company's business event which is scheduled to take place next Saturday. It would be aboard dad's yacht."

"Oh, I'll be there."

"Great. Get home safely."

" Thanks, and speaking on safely, I hired a new bodyguard. He should be down in the lobby by now."

"What, without informing me?"

"Dad, you have to trust me to make my own decisions as well. I'm a grown woman."

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