Chapter 42: Up The Wrong Tree

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Zenobia's POV

I watched in the rearview mirror as the car behind tail on. I slowed down, it would slow down too, I drove faster, it would increase their speed too.

I called Kyle.

"I think someone is following me," I spoke.

"How far are you from your place?" he asked with concern.

"Like twenty minutes."

"Don't head straight home. If someone is following you, you don't want that person to find your house."

"Should I go to my dad's or grandfather's?" I asked, peeking at the car behind me still.

"No. Find a populated area, like a restaurant or a café. Park, get out of the car and stay within the eyeshot of people. I'm on my way to you now."



I found a small café. I parked, got out and entered. I walked up to the cashier to place my order, and simultaneously monitoring the street. I saw the car passed by slowly. A woman sat behind the wheel and it that same woman from Kyle's apartment.

An anger erupted inside of me. I ordered two chocolate chip muffins with a scoop of cookies and cream ice-cream. I found an unoccupied table in the far corner and sat down.

I retrieved my phone from my purse and called Kyle. I informed him on my location and within several minutes, he arrived.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked.

"It was her, Kyle. The Loca from your apartment."

"I can't believe that bitch," he said.

"Look, I don't care what you have going on with her but when it comes to me, and that bitch thinks she can violate me, then it's going to be a big fucking problem. Control your little girlfriend, Kyle."

"There's nothing going on and she's not my girlfriend, Zen."

"Like I said, I don't care. She was at your apartment! Not mine! She followed me. Is she crazy for real?"

"She must be. But I'll handle it, I swear."


Kyle escorted me home after making sure Tasha was following either of us there.


The next morning, I woke up early. I headed for my closest and picked out an outfit that screamed 'Bossy But Savage'. I showered, got dressed and got into one of my Rolls- Royce.

I drove towards Kyle's place of employment.

Upon reaching, I parked, got out and walked towards the entrance. My heels clicked against the porcelain tiles as I walked up to the receptionist desk.

Tasha was already there. With her head positioned upwards as she typed something on the computer.

"Good morning, how can I help you?" she finally asked, raising her head and looking at me. Her mouth hung open as she saw me standing in front of her.

"Zenobia Hollen, right, what brings you here to my job?"

"Bitch, you know exactly why I'm here."

"No. I don't know why. Pray tell."

"I'm here to set your ass straight. Whatever you have with Kyle, or want to have with him, leave me the hell out of it."

"I don't see how I involved you in the first place."

"You were following me home last evening. Enlighten me on what you thought was going to happen. You thought you would follow me up to my door steps, mark my home and attack me one night?"

"Maybe, maybe not."

"Who do you think I am, huh. Let me tell your crazy ass something. I'm Zenobia Hollen. My security would have wiped your ass all over my premises and I would have been glad to watch them do it. Don't ever try your shit with me. You don't want to bark up this tree, trust me."

"I can see why Kyle left you. You talk too damn much. You have a big mouth with little action. You may have a lot of money and power but that cannot make you bulletproof, remember that."

"Are you threatening me right now?"

"Where is your bodyguard, huh. Still leaving the available spot for Kyle, huh. News Flash, he's not coming back to you! Back off and leave him alone so a real woman like me can have him."

"He told me all about you. You can stalk him until you drop, he doesn't want you."

Tasha's fists balled up and she appeared to be blowing smoke out of her ears. I smiled coyly to myself as she fumed and just as she was about to say something, Kyle walked in.

"Zen?" he said as he walked quickly towards me, "Is everything all right?"

"Yeah. I just dropped by to have a little chat with this stalker," I answered.

"Don't think we're not aware of that stunt you did. How dare you!" he directed to Tasha.

"Kyle... I'm... I'm puzzled. I don't know what you're talking about," she tried to cover.

"I saw you!" I basically yelled at her. Kyle took me to his office and locked the door behind him.


"Are you okay?" he asked again.

"I'm good. I just had to come here and get some things off my chest."

"That's understandable. I'm so sorry you're dragged into another situation yet again. As if all the shit that went on with Lina wasn't enough."

I remained silent. It was because of her, I pulled away from our relationship and ended things with him because I felt like I couldn't trust him anymore. That he was a liar and was going to break my heart and toy with me like what Jake did all those time ago.

But Tasha did make one valid point. It was dawning on me that I would need security very soon rather than later. A problem always seem to arise out of nowhere and my father would be at ease knowing I was guarded everytime I leave the house.

"I'm going to get a bodyguard," I spoke my mind. Kyle looked up from his desk and nodded.

"When you intend on getting one?" he asked.

"As soon as possible. Seems like some shit is always happening and I'm too damn nice to be throwing hands at someone and before I have to shoot a bitch.... I'd rather have a bodyguard's protection."

"That makes perfect sense."

"So... the question is... Are you willing to come back?" I asked. My heart raced, awaiting his response.

He tented his fingers and broke into a smile.


"Look, before you answer, I want to apologize for what happened in the past. I'm sorry for pushing you away. I'm sorry for not trusting you and being difficult just for difficult sake. I'm sorry for giving you shit. Just please, please, please come back."

"Zen, I can't."

"You mean you wouldn't."

"Look, I miss you. Hell, I still love you, but we're not compatible, Zenobia. I think it's best that we stay apart, like how we are right now. The relationship is over. We're over."

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