Chapter 12: All In

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Zenobia's POV

"Zen, why not just give him an honest chance? You're already having sex with him," Tiff said. We were having lunch in my office.

"I don't think I'm ready," I answered.

"But you're ready to scream his name and moan in his ears, right? Girl, you deserve to be happy and Kyle deserves someone who's all in. Just make an effort, Zen. And if it doesn't work out, you can always fire him."

We laughed lightly and continued eating. The topic shifted to her and her new man and I was surprised when she told me he bought her a new car.

After work, I was more than excited to see Kyle. I clocked out immediately and headed straight for the elevator when I ran into my father.

"Where are you off to in such a hurry, young lady?" he asked me.

"Hey dad. I'm heading home."

"Is Livingston here yet?"

At the mention of his name, Kyle stepped out of the elevator and approached me. He greeted dad and they shook hands.

"Get home safe," my father said and disappeared to his office.

Reaching my car, Kyle got the door for me, closed it after I've seated and got into the driver's seat.

"We have to talk," I said to him before he started the engine.

"What about, Miss Hollen?"

"I want us to be together. I want to see where this goes between us. And I'm hoping it goes really far."

Kyle turned towards me from the front seat. "Are you certain?"


A wide smile spread across his face revealing his perfectly white teeth. He started the car and drove homeward. When we got there, I invited him into my house and into my bedroom.

We went into my private bedroom Jacuzzi and things got a lot more steamy between us.

"I'm so happy to be here with you," he said to me as we wrapped in robes and sat down in the sweet aroma spa room to relax.

"So you haven't said if you're my boyfriend or not," I teased.

"Hell yes, I'm your man," he answered and kissed me right after.

"So, what's next? Are you still going to be my bodyguard?"

"Of course. I'm having you as a girlfriend and I'm protecting you at the same."

I smiled at him and appreciated the way he was so handsome. We left the spa room and went to have something to eat. Later that evening, we looked at Netflix and fell asleep in my bedroom.

The next morning, Kyle woke me. I sprung up from bed, took a shower, got dressed and headed downstairs for breakfast. Kyle got ready at his place.

"There's a company event tonight. Awards and promotions. I'll be there. You should join me," I told Kyle as we drove towards my job.

"I'll be there," he answered. Several minutes later, he pulled into my parking space. We locked lips and I started craving for it to go further.

"Zen, you're at work," he said between kisses when I was straddling him. I giggled when he kissed my knuckles and ushered me out the car.

"You're not afraid someone might see us?" he asked as we headed for the entrance.

"So what? I'm not ashamed of you," I answered with much confidence. And it was true. I was proud having this man at my side.

"Okay then. I'll see later." He made certain I was seated at my desk before leaving to his training. Today, he was doing more security advanced training with Kenneth.

It wasn't a usual working day for me. Father instructed me to supervise the setup for the award ceremony. Tiffany joined me and we ordered the chairs and tables and decorations to our liking.

After work, every employee filed into the awards room and found a seat at a table. Refreshments were served and my father congratulated me on a job well done.

My Uncle Evan, cousin Jevan and my father took the floor and started a speech thanking everyone for their hard work and service to Hollen Tower. I looked around for Kyle. He wasn't here as yet. Tiffany's boyfriend arrived and he joined us at our front table.

"Supervisor Of The Month. Tiffany Smith," Jevan announced. Tiffany's mouth formed a surprise O and a round of applause congratulated her.

"Go get that award, baby," her boyfriend encouraged. She got up and collected her award, shook hands with Jevan, and took several pictures. She joined us again with her glistening award.

"You deserve it. You're an excellent supervisor," I told her and hugged her warmly.

"Thank you," she answered.

Shortly after, Kyle arrived. Gosh, he looked so dashing in a navy blue tux. I admired him as he sat right next to me. Tiff gave me a wink.

The ceremony continued. "Manager Of The Month. Zenobia Hollen," Uncle Evan announced and I was caught completely by surprise. I wasn't expecting an award. My father didn't give me any hints of receiving an award.

Tiffany cheered the loudest and Kyle didn't stop clapping. I was required to give a speech. I took a deep breath and held the microphone but before I could get one word out, Jake appeared into the room with a microphone in hand.

"Zenobia Hollen," he interrupted. All eyes turned to him, "Zen, baby. I know I messed up and I'm sorry."

"SECURITY!" My father shouted. He ushered me off the stage and even when the security dragged him out of the room, he didn't stop speaking.

"Zen! I love you! I have to talk to you! There's something I have to say to you! Zen! Please hear me out!" His voice carried.

My father was upset. Jake wasn't invited, nor was he an employee therefore he shouldn't have gotten access to get in here. My father fired every securityguard who were on shift and he hired new ones the very next day.

Jake was beginning to get on my nerves. He showed up at my mansion's gate ten times in two nights. Each time, he was denied entry.

"He's starting to give off stalker vibes," I said to Kyle. We were having dinner and he was worried about Jake's obsession with me.

"I swear, if he comes near you I'll break every bone in his body."

"Thanks for being there for me."

The next day after work, I went shopping with Tiffany and Kyle. We went into a clothing boutique and I found the most attractive dress.

"Hold this while I go try it on," I said to Kyle and handed him all my shopping bags from previous stores.

I was in the process of zipping up when a knock came to the door. "Tiff, I'm glad you're here. Come help me zip this up."

I opened the door and a woman walked in. A terrible looking woman with bad makeup and a crooked wig.

"Miss. You need to get out," I told her. I left my taser and pepperspray in the bag and Kyle was holding them but I wasn't afraid to knock her out into the middle of next week.

"Calm down," she said hoarsely and removed her wig.

"What the fuck? Jake, are you crazy?" I asked. It was Jake. Dressed in a wig, awful makeup application and fake titties.

"I need to talk to you," he whispered. He dropped to one knee and reached into his pocket.

Fear shook me when he pulled out a pocket knife. But then he reached into his other pocket and pulled out a small box.

I cling to the body mirror.

"Why do you look frightened?" he asked then noticed he was holding a knife. He quickly put it away. "Baby, I would never hurt you. I'm sorry you had to see that knife. I was actually looking for this."

He popped the box and an engagement ring met my eyes.

"Zen, would you marry me?"

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