Chapter 53: I Got You

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Zenobia's POV

"LaTasha has dropped her suit against you," uncle Evan said as he entered my office. Jevan followed behind.

I quickly turned in their directions with widen eyes. "Huh?" I asked. Everyone present was looking at him now.

"The power of the Hollens. The girl knew she was lying. I knew she was lying. After a visit to the hospital with the family's attorney, she dropped her suit but is pressing charges against your bodyguard."

"Thank you so much Uncle Evan."

"A statement would be release to clear your name of all this nonsense. And I reckon you fire that stupid bodyguard," he finished.

"Already have."


I heaved a sigh of relief and Tiffany gathered me into a hug.

"Zen, no matter if we may have parted ways in the employment field, or even cross the sea to another country, we're family. We'll always be here for you," Jevan said and he hugged me once Tiffany released her hold on me. Tears of happiness rolled down my cheeks.

"Thank you so much. Thank you everyone for all your help," I told him and everyone else around me. My father, the PR, my uncle and cousin made their exits and as Kyle was about to as well, I found myself stopping him.

"Tiff, can you please give us a moment?" I asked her.

"Certainly, boss," she said. She smiled at us and walked out the door.


"What a morning," he said.

"Kyle, thanks for dropping everything and coming over to me. It really does mean a lot to me. My mom always said that you get to know your real friends and love ones when you're in trouble or ill."

He looked at me so longingly before taking me into his arms. I missed this particular embrace and his signature fragrance. My eyes closed, causing an imagination to if I was dreaming. I felt his embrace tightened just right around my waist. My heart picked up pace right before I broke the hug.


Kyle's POV

She was relief when her uncle informed her that due to one of his tactics, the stalker dropped her thirsty lawsuit against Zenobia. I couldn't believe LaTasha. She had some nerves coming after Zenobia the way she did and I was hoping I'll never have to see her face ever again.

I informed my sister of what was taking place over text and she informed me that all ties would be cut with her in terms of friendship.

After everyone left Zenobia's office, I couldn't stop myself from reaching her and pulling her into my arms.

Her soft curls pressed against my face as her sweet perfume flood my nostrils.

Having her in my arms like this was a sense of belong. I slightly tighten my hold, dreading that I would eventually have to let her go any moment now. My heart raced and just as I felt himself getting aroused, she broke the hug.

Thank goodness.

"Apart from everything that happened, how have you been, Kyle, and what's new?"

"I'm doing good," I answered, "In a few months, I'll be the owner of a new home. It's no mansion like yours but it is a start and a relief off my pockets with renting."

"That's great. Congratulations."

"Thank you... And.." I paused as my phone started ringing. I looked at the screen and my boss' name popped up.

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