Chapter 36: Sticking To It

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Kyle's POV

"So glad you kept your word," I said as I opened the door up to her.

"Well hello to you too, little brother," she greeted. I chuckled and closed the door after her.

"Lovely apartment you got yourself here. I'm so proud of you," she added and wrapped me into a hug. I patted her back.

"Thanks," I said as we pulled apart. We headed for the sitting room area.

"Now, what's this I hear of you dating a certain Miss. Hollen?" she asked.

"News travels."

"Faster than a virus."

"Well... We're no longer seeing each other."

"What, why not?"

"It's complicated and it's a long story."

"I have time to hear this complicated story of yours."

"I don't even know where to start."

"At the beginning of things."

I flushed.

"Zenobia and I had always been friends and things took a turn when I applied and became her bodyguard. At first, it was intimidating to even be in the same car with her. She had her walls up but then it started crumbling for me. She let me in. We were official. I met her family, we went to dinner, I was invited into her mansion, stuff like that."

"Interesting, go on. When did it went left?"

"When she hired a personal assistant. Someone I knew in college."

"Your ex?"

"She and I were never official. It was a FWB situation more like."

My sister rolled her eyes.

"Anyway, apparently she still had feelings for me and plotted on ruining with my relationship with Zenobia, with our mother's help."

"Wait.. What!? How dare she?"

"It's been a vendetta against The Hollens. I can understand Lisa's perspective since it's like a family feud but I don't know what my mother was getting out of this!"

"Just leave it to her to screw our lives up. Lord knows I don't even want to be in the same room with her."

I sighed as my cellphone vibrated in my pocket. I looked at the caller, rejected the call and reached for the keys to the rental car I had in my care for a few days.

"I'm going out. To the supermarket. There's barely anything here to eat. Want anything?"


"People eat that crap?"

"Yes. I'm people."

We laughed and I left.


An hour later, I returned back to my apartment.

"Someone had a visitor," my sister said as I walked through the door and headed for the kitchen.

"What, no one knows about my address but you and Aunt Jackie."

"Well, Aunt Jackie must have snitched because Zenobia definitely came by moments ago. You just missed her."

"I can't believe this," I let out. Honestly, I was flattered she came looking for me.

"What did you tell her?" I asked Kate.

"I told her you weren't home but before I could have invited her in, she practically ran away."

"Good. She can stay away."

"Kyle! You don't have to be so mean about it."

"I don't want things to become toxic. I don't want to hate her. I resigned and that's that."

"Speaking of, what are you going to do now?"

"Already applied for a job position I saw posted online days ago. I have the interview in a few days. Marketing and sales assistant."

"Wonderful. I hope you're successful."

"Thank you."

We unpacked the groceries, popped some popcorn and watched TV.


A few days later, I was dress, in the car and heading to my interview. I reached fifteen minutes ahead of the time I was supposed to be there and I used the moment to calm myself and have a glass of water.

"Kyle Livingston?" the receptionist called. I stood upright.

"That's me," I answered.

"The manager would see you now," she said and guide me to the manager's office. I knocked and entered as it was instructed on the door.

A woman sat at a large wooden desk.

"Have a seat," she said without looking up from her computer.

"Thank you," I responded kindly and sat down across from her.

"Kyle Livingston. You have a wonderful resume that captured my attention. It was the most outstanding, but, I've also done my research and I was informed you were a bodyguard."

"Yes ma'am. It is stated."

"Right. But you didn't state who was it you guarded so I took it upon myself. Nevertheless, you've got the job. I wish for you to start first thing tomorrow morning. Don't be late."

"Thank you so much," I said. We shook hands and I walked out of there feeling highly favored.


Zenobia's POV

My office phone rang.

"You have a Miss. Leen on the line," David  informed me.

"Okay. Patch her through."

"Miss Zenobia Hollen, how are you my darling?"

"Miss. Leen, it's lovely hearing from you again. I'm doing well. What can I do for you today?"

"I'm calling because of someone's application to the admin and sales job position I recently posted. I have a Mr. Kyle Livingston's resume at hand. He stated he was a bodyguard but he didn't state the employee he worked for so I did my research and found out..."

"It was me."

"It was you. What's your views on him. Would you recommend him for the position?"

"Kyle Livingston would be one of the best employees at your establishment."

"Okay. I'm taking your word for it but what is his weakness?"

"His weakness?"

"Yeah. Everyone has a flaw. What's his?"

I wanted to say he gives up suddenly, or that he wasn't bold enough to make the first move but I couldn't bring myself to say something bad about him.

"I would say that his weakness is that he cares too much," I answered.

"Ahh. Lovely. There wouldn't be any rivalry if I employ him, would there?"

"What, of course not."

"Thank you Zenobia. Have a lovely day."

"You too Miss. Leen."

I hung up and raked my fingers through my hair as a lump formed in my throat from holding back the tears.

A knock came to the door. Tiffany entered.

"Hey there, ready to go get some lunch? Sweetie, what's wrong?" she asked, studying my face.

"I'm missing him and it feels like I've lost all chances of getting him back."

"Oh, Zen."

She came over and pulled me into a hug as the tears fell.

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