Chapter 17: The Bill.

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Zenobia's POV

After my father reluctantly accepted the fact that Kyle and I were dating, we decided we should have an official date night. We planned for the moment for an entire week. I anticipated the night of our dinner date.

Tiffany had made us reservations at one of the most luxury restaurants in Los Angeles. A private section with a smoothing water fountain decorated with neon lights and soft music. The table was set for two as requested.

I wore a silk black dress and Kyle was styled with black pants and a maroon color shirt that fit too perfectly. My mouth watered as I took him in. He guided me to our table, allowed me to sit before he sat across from me.

"This place really is nice," he said a different gazed around.

"I only do the best," I answered with a smile and opened the menu. Kyle followed suit. His eyes popped and I can bet it was from the prices. He remained silent.

After several more minutes, a waitress entered. "Pleasant good evening, Miss. Hollen and Mr. Livingston, I'm your server, Mia. Are you ready to order?"

The staff here were so well-mannered. I placed my order and so did Kyle. Within ten minutes, dinner was served and I was enjoying every bite of the delicious meal and classy wine.

"Dinner was fantastic," Kyle complimented when the waitress cleared our table.

"Thank you, Mr. Livingston. I'll make certain I give your compliment to the chef."

"Of course."

We had desserts afterwards and everything was going perfectly until the bill came which was nearly five thousand dollars.

"I got it," I said and retrieved my debit card.

"Nah, I got it," Kyle offered and went for his wallet.

"Baby, this is nearly five thousand dollars. I can take care of it."

"I don't care about the amount. It's a man's job to pick up the bill."

"Not in these modern times where the woman is in a much better position to take care of it."

I mentally slapped myself and wished I haven't said something so devious. Kyle drew silent before nodded his head.

"You've got to be kidding me Zen," he said again, "You're throwing your status in my face now?"

"I didn't mean it like that."

"Of course you did!"

"Kyle, calm down."

"Is it always going to be like this whenever we go out together as a couple, huh? Emasculating me?"

"Kyle, just stop it. It's not that deep. What's wrong if a woman picks up the bill and takes care of it? A man should love seeing his woman handle things."

"I'm not going to enjoy you taking care of the bill whilst on a date with me, Zen."

"Kyle, it's just a bill."

"No. It's not just a bill. Haven't you noticed the things you were doing lately? You bought me my dream car when I stated I'll buy it myself. You bought me new clothes when I can do it, Zen."

"Kyle, I want to do things for you."

"And I'm not being ungrateful but at the same time I don't want to be babied by you. I'm a man. I can handle things too like this damn bill." He snatched the bill off the table and placed his card with it.

A few minutes after, the waitress came over, ran the transaction and handed Kyle his card back.

"I'll leave the tip then," I said.

"No, you wouldn't," he said. He left two hundred dollars in tips, rose from his chair, offered me his hand and we left.


"You're mad at me, aren't you?" I asked when we got settled in bed.

"A little," he said without looking at me. Usually, he would pull me into his arms without hesitation. Being a scorpio, he was sexually driven and passionate and loves being in trouble.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that or said what I said. You're right, I am doing too much but I can't help it sometimes. You're my boyfriend and I do want to spoil you."

"Spoil me with your love, your smiles, your comfort, but not with your money. It's already difficult being your boyfriend and bodyguard at the same time. And living in your house." His brown beautiful eyes were looking at me now.

"I completely understand and I'm sorry."

"You're perfect just the way you are. Things between us are perfect too. No need for being extra."


The next day, Kyle moved back into the guest house. When I got home and saw all his belongings were missing from my master bedroom, I had a panic attack. He didn't say anything about that when he picked me up.

"Kyle, you're breaking up with me?" I asked barging into the guest house.

"No I'm not. But this is for the best. Call me old fashion but I think a man and woman should only live together when they're married."

"What the hell, Kyle!"

"Zen, stop getting upset. It's not like I'm in another state. I'm right here."

"I want you in my mansion with me."

"No. I'm not getting back into your mansion with you."

I slapped myself again. I just threw my home in his face once again and that was what was driving him up the wall. He knew the home I had. There wasn't a need to state that again.

"Kyle, are we going to be okay? Because I really don't wanna lose you. I'm attached to you and I'm already comfortable having you in my bed. How am I to adjust to you leaving out of nowhere?"

"We'll be alright but things are going too quickly, Zen. We have to slow down before we wreck."

"Slow down?"

"Yes. I'll stay here. You will stay in your home. I'll remain professional as your bodyguard when we're out. And I'm your man any other time apart from that. I have to separate my job from my relationship with you, baby. But you must understand that I'm not breaking up with you."

It was hard to digest. My head was becoming clouded and I pictured Jake and all the games he played behind my back. He was slowly rejecting me and I was too dumb to catch the hints. Tears flooded my eyes. Kyle caught wind and came over and pulled me into his arms. He kissed my forehead and instead of being sexually, he became intimate and melted all my worries away.

We were cuddling on the bed when his phone rang.

"Hi Aunt Jackie," he answered, "MY MOM'S WHAT??"

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