Chapter 33: SOB

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Zenobia's POV

I sat next to my grandfather's bed, holding onto his hand as he laid motionless. Tears filled my eyes. I couldn't stand seeing him this way, fighting for his life. Moments ago, he was making a toast, now, he was hospitalize.

I sighed loudly and my father entered the room.

"Zen, you should get on home."

"I'm not leaving him."

"Trust me, dad will be fine."

I looked at my wrist-watch. 11:45pm. I stood up.

"Livingston is in the waiting room area. He'll take you home."

"Will you call me if there's any changes, be it good or bad?"

"I know how much you love him. You'll be the first to know."

I nodded and left the room. I met Kyle in the waiting room area and he guided me to the parking lot and got into the car.

"I'm sorry," he said

sincerely as the tears rolled down my face. I nodded in acceptance. He started the car and drove us homeward.


"Kyle, umm. Thanks for being there," I said as we reached the threshold of my doorway.

"You're welcome, Zen."

He turned to leave but I found myself reaching out to stop him.

"Do you mind staying with me tonight, you can have the roll-out bed. I just want some company. I don't want to be alone right now, please?"

There was hesitation on his path. I knew I pushed him away and gave him the cold shoulder ever since that stunt with Lisa.

"Sure. I can spend the night with you."

I smiled in relief and we headed inside. Up to the bedroom we went. We set up his roll-away bed which was very much comfortable as an ordinary bed. He changed into his armless tee and boxer and I got into my night wear.

I dimmed the lights down low and turned the air on. We got into our respective space.

"Thanks," I said as our heads hit our pillows.

My phone buzzed and I quickly reached for it. Mom was calling.

"Hi, mom."

"Did I wake you?"

"No. I'm not asleep just yet."

"Good. Your grandfather woke up several minutes ago. The doctors and nurses are treating him and taking good care of him. He's going to be alright."

"Thank God."

"Yes. Well you go on and get some sleep. Good night, sweetie."

"Thanks for calling. Good night, mom."

I hung up and turned to Kyle.

"Grand-dad is going to be fine."

"That's wonderful news."


We drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up earlier than Kyle did. I laid in bed and looked at his sleeping figure opposite.

"Why did I push you away when all you wanted was to be close to me?" I asked myself. It was pure stubbornness. Something I believe I took from my father. I got up, freshened up and changed into an outfit.

I went downstairs to the kitchen to have my breakfast. My phone buzzed again. David's name flashed across the screen.

"Good morning."

"Good morning, boss. Can you please give security the green-light to let me in?"


"I'm outside your gate."

I heaved a sigh. "Put your phone on speaker."

He did and I told the guards to usher him in.

Several minutes later, he arrived at the front door.

"Sorry for intruding unexpectedly," he began.

"And early," I added as I folded my arms.

"Right. I texted you but you didn't respond. I grew worried for some reason. I decided to bring you flowers and to see how you're holding up. Are you alright?"

"Thank you, David," I answered as I accepted the flowers he handed me, "And, yes, I'm doing good. Grand-dad woke up and he's being taken cared of."

"Great. That's really good to hear."

I nodded and heard movements behind me.

"Good morning," Kyle spoke and stepped into David's view.

Tension formed in the air almost immediately between both men.

"Good morning," I answered.

"Good morning, Kyle."

"Hey, David. Why are you here?"

"Well if you must know, I came by to check on my boss."

"David, come on in. Would you like a cup of coffee?"

"Yes, please."

I allowed David in and Kyle pulled in into a corner, away from David hearing us.

"Zenobia, I know this is your house, your rules and whatnot, but you can't let everyone have access to you like this."

"David is my assistant."

"And I get that. But you don't know him."

"Oh, and you do?"

"Zen, I...."

"Look, why not just let go of that past beef and let bygones be bygones?" Without waiting for a response, I walked away. I was doing it again. Pushing him away even more. David and I chatted over coffee, Kyle joined us but he didn't say anything much.

Then David left and I went to the hospital to visit my grandfather.



Later that evening, Kyle visited me. He knocked on the front door and I opened it. He stepped in with a white envelop in his hand. He handed it to me.

"Do I need to read this now?" I asked.

"I would if I was you," he answered all too seriously.

I tore it opened and felt my heart tore apart as yet.

"You can't be serious, Kyle! You can't be fucking serious! Are you kidding me?"

"I'm serious."

I read on and tore the letter to shreds and threw it in his face when I was through with reading.

"Get Out then!" I yelled at the top of my voice, "Get the hell out. Take everything you own and what was given to you and get your ass off my premises."

"Take care of yourself, Zenobia." He turned on his heels and walked out of the door and out of my life. I dropped to the floor and found myself crying, breaking down.

Kyle resigned as my bodyguard.

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