Chapter 44: Unbelievable

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Zenobia's POV

One couldn't fathom how crestfallen I felt. I watched silently as he led her towards the bar for another drink.

"Hey, Zen, sweetie. Are you okay?" Tiff asked after she too shook off the shell-shocking moment.

"I can't believe that son of a bitch," I said in a whisper. My heart tugged against my chest as I swallowed my tears. I wasn't dare going to cry over him again.

"Zen, maybe it's not what it looks like."

"Enough, Tiff! You've covered enough for him. I know you've been rooting for him and I but you said it yourself, it is time for me to move the hell on," I let out, taking out some of the anger on my best friend.

Jordan came over to me. He had watch the small scene unfold and for the moment, I forgot he was even present.

"Miss. Hollen, is everything all-right?" he asked, handing me a tissue to wipe away the bits of spill drink on my legs.

"Thanks, and I'm fine," I answered, taking the tissue from him and wiping the drink off of me.

Afterwards, I headed for the bar when I noticed Kyle and his date were done ordering and went in another direction of the boat.

"How dare he?" I questioned myself. I had the bartender whipped me up something strong. Then I had another. Then another. And another after that. I was aching for another one when a strong hand snatched the drink out my hand. He pushed it towards the bartender and instructed him to withhold all other alcoholic drinks I may ask for.

"Miss. Hollen, you've had quite enough."

"Don't... don't tell me.. what's enough, Michael Jordan," I slurred, pointing a finger at him.

"Ma'am, you're intoxicated. I think it's best you occupy one of the bedroom cabins and sleep this off."

"You.. you can't tell me.. what to do. You're not.. my daddy."

"But I am your bodyguard."

"More like.. my.. babysitter."

"That's fitting because right now, you're acting like a baby."

"How dare you!"

Without another word, I stumbled off the tall bar stool and landed right into Jordan's arms. He picked me up, bridal style, and carried me towards a bedroom cabin.

He laid me on the bed, turned on the air conditioning and got me a glass of water.

I drank it all down and cling onto the comfortable pillows as I groaned in heartbreak.

"I hate him so much! I can't believe he never told me he was dating.. someone!" I whined, "I'm such a fool. Why is it impossible to find someone who would.. would love me for me.. AND ONLY ME!" I finished with a shout.

I buried my head in the pillows and screamed in frustration.

"Miss. Hollen, I'll let your father know of your condition and you wouldn't be present for the business event," Jordan spoke up.

"No. Don't leave me," I said to him.

"I think I should report to your father. I don't want him learning this from someone else."

"Fine. You can go too. Everyone.. always leaves me."

"I'm sorry?"

"You thank.. I meant.. think. You think because you is..or are.. so handsome, you think you can do whatever," drunken me spoke.

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