Chapter 2: The Test

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Zenobia's POV

I couldn't believe it. Why would he even consider to apply for this job position?

I handed the resumes to my father and we went into the office where we awaited the arrival. Kenneth joined us after an hour when the first arrived.

"Dad, there are two candidates. Sure you're not going to have them battle for the position. How are you going to determine who gets it and who doesn't?"

"A simple test," he answered. "Kenneth, take a book off the shelf and put it right at the threshold."

Kenneth did exactly that. Riley arrived almost five minutes earlier than expected. He was called in immediately and Kenneth questioned him.

When it was over, Riley skipped over the book on his way out the door.


Then Kyle arrived.

"Kyle. E. Livingston," Kenneth called.

"Present," Kyle answered. He was still outside the door and my heart was racing.


I watch as a man walked to the threshold. My eyes expanded and silly butterflies formed in my stomach. I wasn't expecting him to transform into such a dream.

His honey complexion was perfect and his light brown eyes appeared as if they were stars.

"Have a seat."

"Thanks. One moment." We watched as he  picked the book up, read the title and placed it neatly on the book shelf before coming over to sit.

"On the second note, I think he should remain standing," I suggested.

"I do too," Kenneth agreed.

Kyle looked at me and I had the satisfaction of smiling at him.


Kyle's POV

I anticipated seeing Zenobia Hollen again and when I saw her sitting with her father, I wanted to be with her.

She was extremely beautiful. Her grey eyes were two worlds to get lost in and her curly jet black hair was always neatly kept and never hid her facial features.

"Have a seat," the head of security commanded. He was a tall dark guy with a bald head and a powerful built-up body. The sharp, black suit looked like it was clinging to his body for dear life.

"On the second note, I think he should remain standing," Zenobia spoke. Her voice carried hate but it's been years still I heard it and I wanted to hear her some more.

I turned in her direction and she smiled at me. A smile that read, 'You're about to regret coming here.'

"I do too," the tough guy agreed.

"Kyle. E. Livingston. As the bodyguard to Miss. Zenobia Hollen, if chosen to do so, you will be required to drive Miss. Hollen to and from her job, accompany her to her shopping and sprees, business trips and family vacations. Are they any obstacle that forbids you from doing such?"

"No, sir," I answered.

"Would you take a bullet for Miss. Hollen?"

"Yes, sir," I answered.

"Do you understand that such a job requires you to revolve around Miss. Hollen? Meaning, you'll have to be available when she calls, when she enters and exits a location and at her house?"

" Yes, sir."
She has her own house?

"Be here at seven sharp tomorrow morning. You may leave."

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