Chapter 41: T For Trouble

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Kyle's POV

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Tasha waltzed into the apartment as if she was the landlord.

She sat down on the couch and poured herself a glass of wine.

"Tasha, hold up. What the hell are you really doing here and how do you know where I live, did my sister tell you?" I was baffled.

"No, sweetie, I followed you."

"I saw you left the parking lot, Tasha."

"Nah, I pretended to be gone and then I followed you here."

"That's stalking."

"I really hate that word, Kyle," she said, narrowing her eyes as she sipped from the glass.

"And I really don't care. You need to leave. What is wrong with you, you can't just  stalk someone on their way home from work, walk into their apartment, sit on their couch and start drinking wine, LaTasha!"

"Kyle, we're not strangers. You need to relax, have some wine and take the edge off. You've always been so uptight."

I heaved a long sigh. There was no getting through to her. It was basically talking to a brick wall which can respond back with some sass.

"You need to leave," I said.

"Okay. I'll leave," she answered. She stood up and walked pass me to the front door, then she turned to face me and started unbuttoning her top.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Showing you what you're rejecting." She removed her top completely and was standing there with her bra on. Then she started running her hands over her cleavage area.

"You're insane."

She laughed at my words as if she didn't give a damn.

A knock came to the door and Tasha was quick to open it, revealing Zenobia. She held the door open, allowing Zenobia to enter into the apartment. Both women locked eyes on each other for a full minute until Zenobia turned to me.

Silence hung in the air and it felt like the world was on pause.

"Zen," I started. I didn't know what the fuck to say right there and then. We weren't in a relationship but I didn't want to say something stupid to her.

"Ohhhh, so this is Zenobia Hollen. I've heard a lot about you, niña," Tasha said and I wish I could have make her vanish into thin air.

Zenobia turned towards her. "And you are?"

"I'm friends with Kyle."

"No! No, you're not! You're friends with my sister!" I corrected.

"And he's my future husband and father of my children," she just had to input.

Zenobia lifted her eyebrows in surprise and looked at Tasha from her head to her toes.

"I don't like it when people stare me like that, what are you looking at, huh?" she asked aggressively to Zenobia.

"Nothing much," Zenobia answered.

"Girl, I will drag you all over this apartment, you don't want to mess with me!"

"No seas una perra tonta," Zenobia spoke fluently and I was marveled. Tasha became quiet, eyed her and then me. She reached for her top, put it on, huffed and puffed and left the apartment without another word.


"Thank goodness she's gone. I swear, she's crazy," I said feeling relieved. I headed towards the couch and sat down, patting the empty seat next to me. Zen was hesitant but eventually sat down next to me.

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