Chapter 55: Amended

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Zenobia's POV

"Quitting, Kyle, are you serious?" I asked. As if I didn't already have enough surprises on my plate for one day.

"Yes, I am. Because I want to be your bodyguard again," he answered.

I was taken aback. Stunned, surprised and bewildered by his words, I asked for confirmation that I was hearing correctly.

"You want to be my bodyguard?"

"I do," he answered.

The brightest smile was plastered on my face and all the worries, headaches and wonders washed away.

I couldn't stop myself from running into his arms and embracing him. He returned the hug before we pulled away.

"This time around would be different. I would listen to you, be kind and professional. I don't want the past repeating itself," I said.

"I understand and I agree," he nodded.

After work, I informed Tiffany of the news and she too was somewhat relief that Kyle was back at my side.

"My prayers have been answered," she joked as we walked to our cars.

"I'm happy he's back. I've missed him but I'm not going to do anything to push him away again."

"You're not patching your relationship with him?" she asked, stopping at the door of her car.

"Nah. I'm trying to be professional here."


"What, you don't think I can do it?"

"You can do anything you set your mind to.. but when it comes to him, we both know you still hold him dear to your heart. You love that guy, Zen."

"I like him. We're familiar."

"No. It's more than that with you. You light up when he's in the room even though you can be tough on him. I'm rooting for the two of you." She waved, got into her car and drove out the gate.

Kyle came out of the building a few seconds later and spotted me standing next to my car. He gazed at his before walking towards me.

"I drove my car here. Is it okay to leave it?" he asked.

"Of course. It will be safe here, or you can tail me on the way home. It's your call."

"Umm.. I'll follow," he said.

I got into my car, he got into his and we drove homeward.


"Ahh, feels good being back here," he said as he walked around the familiar guest house.

"It's good having you back, Kyle. It really is," I responded, "Well, all Jordan's stuff are out. I'll leave you to get settle in and reacquaint yourself with the others. If you need me, I'll be indoors," I finished.

"Thank you, Miss. Hollen."

"You can call me by my name. I'll allow it."

I headed inside my mansion and although it was filled with some of the most luxurious furnitures and ornament, it felt empty.

Recalling my childhood memories, I used to love looking at the movies with my mother. The women would marry the rich and famous men but cheat on them with the poor pool guy or the gardener. I always wondered why. Why would you have everything and cheat yourself away to have nothing?

One answer. Money doesn't buy happiness.

I looked at my bank account statement and sighed.

I picked up the phone and called Tiffany.

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