Chapter 45: Mama's Baby

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Zenobia's POV

I sat in silence at the back of the car when it pulled onto my driveway and parked. Jordan remained seated behind the wheel, glancing at me in the rearview mirror.

The tears welled up and ran down my cheeks as it sank in that I was suspended from my job. With a huff, I opened the door myself, got out and entered my home.

I retrieved my cellphone as I walked up the flight of stairs. I was calling my mother.

"Darling," she answered with excitement.

"Hi mom," I sadly responded.

"Zen, what's wrong?"

"Umm, I'll be fine."

"Talk to me, what's bothering you?"

"It's dad."

"What did your father do again?"

"He suspended me, mom."

"He what? Why in the hell would he do that?"

"Maybe for what happened Saturday."

"And what happened?"

"Can you come over, we can talk in person. I really need my mom right now."

"I'm on the way."


I changed into a more comfortable outfit, had some water, gathered myself and waited for my mom to arrive.

It took her almost an hour but when she finally got here, she immediately took me into her arms. We walked to the balcony for some fresh air and I told her what had transpired over the weekend which led up to my suspension.

"Zenobia, you're my everything. I'll talk to your father and we'll have this resolve."

"Thanks mom, but you know dad can be stubborn, especially when he knows he has the upper hand."

"Don't worry about that. I'll handle him."

I watched my mom got on her phone, typed quickly then put it back into her purse.


Another hour later, my father showed up. Mom and I were by the pool now having a rum punch when he walked up to us.

"I got your text. What's this about?" he spoke to mom.

"You know what it's about. You suspended your own daughter,EJ," mom replied.

"Yes, and?"


"Zenia, Zenobia isn't a baby anymore. She's a grown woman who's capable of making her own decisions. I just wish she could handle the repercussions as well," he said back, eyeing me.

"EJ, she's your daughter. Your only daughter. Your only child! She made a mistake. Why punish her so drastically?"

"Drastically? Zen is lucky I didn't fire her. I have had it with her. She has turned into this spoil, entitled person who doesn't listen. She insist on learning things the hard way."

"You're unbelievable and unreasonable, EJ. She's your daughter!"

"I'm well aware she's my daughter. And that's exactly why I'm doing this. I've cuddle her too damn much. She embarrassed Hollen Tower and that's the measure we had to take."

My mom shook her head. I looked ahead, avoiding my father's eyes on me.

"When will her suspension be lifted?" mom asked him.

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