Chapter 31: Last Straw

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Kyle's POV

I excused myself as Zen's father had some words to share with her and although I was walking towards the main entrance of the mansion, it sounded more like they were having a shouting match.

After what felt like an hour, an exhausted looking Zenobia showed up in he bedroom we were sharing. Her eyes seemed like she was holding back tears, her facial expression screamed anger and her breathing was increasing by the seconds.

"Hey, are you alright?" I kindly asked her. She turned to me with a smile.

"Hi. Yeah. I'll be fine. Thanks for asking," she answered.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked again.

"I don't see why not."

"Do you hate me?"

She laughed and shook her head as she let her hair down. Something I always admire seeing her do.

"No, I don't hate you. I just don't think that I can trust you again. I was already betrayed once and you had to do it again."

"Zen, you didn't give me a fair chance to explain what happened. You ended things based on a scheme to end our relationship which was very immature of you. I was expecting you to give me a chance to explain myself. I certainly would have if it was the other way around."

"Kyle, I wouldn't put you in a position where you think you can't even trust me. A relationship is based on trust."

"And communication. You shut me out like I never mattered. I didn't deserve that."

"Kyle, what is it that you want me to do now?" she asked, frustration ringing in her voice.

"Nothing," I answered and left her to be.


Several days later, the threat against The Hollens was neutralized and things were back to normal for the most parts. Hollen Tower was given the 'greenlight' and Zenobia was back at her job as regular. Things were beginning to get a little more friendly between the both of us. She was chipper than usual and always greeted me and we would hold conversation for longer period of times.


It was great being back at work and I was actually looking forward to getting some work done and having lunch with Tiffany Smith.

"Oh, how I've missed this place," she said as we grabbed lunch and headed to our private lunch-room.

"Ha! I never thought I would miss it that much."

After an hour, we both headed back to our offices but I was called into my father's office shortly after.

He was sitting at his desk with someone across from him.

"There she is," my father spoke as he stood up. The person stood too and turned in my direction. My eyes expanded as I took in his features. He was a handsome guy with luminous green eyes and kissable lips. His muscular-tone body was obvious through the well-tailored suit he wore.

"Zen, meet your new personal assistant, David Tanx. David, my daughter, Zenobia Hollen."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss.Hollen," David said and extended his hand for a handshake. I took his hand and smiled warmly.

"Nice to meet you."

"Show him to his work station and an insight on his task. He would be starting first thing tomorrow morning," dad inputted right before answering his office phone on the first ring.

I escorted David Tanx out the room and into my own office space. He would be occupying the desk 'the snake' once sat behind.

"Thanks much for explaining the ways of Hollen Tower to me, Miss.Hollen," he kindly said as we were through for the day.

"You're very welcome," I answered with a smile and final handshake.


The next morning, David was in before I arrived which was very commendable because I was always early to work to get an early start and advance my tasks of the day.

"Good morning, Miss. Hollen. I got you coffee. Well, I actually made it."

"Wow. Thank you so much David," I spoke and took a sip. It was good indeed.

"Also, I know it's early, the day hasn't begun yet but you have two messages from a Mrs. Keller, both saying the same thing just in different words. She wants you to vouch for her business with your father and uncle."

"Ah, Mrs. Keller just doesn't take a hint."

We shared a small laugh and I got into my own office space. The day went by flawlessly, David was a very good help and he made life easier in exactly one day at being at the office, and as the week went on, we were becoming great co-workers.

"How's the new assistant?" Tiff asked as we headed to our respective cars. Kyle tailed behind us.

"David is amazing. I wish I had gotten him first before Lena."

"I never liked her and David seems great." We hugged as she got into her car and I got into mine. Kyle got into the driver's seat.

"You have a new assistant?" he asked sternly.

"I do."


"What's your problem?"

"No problem. I just thought I would have met him by now."

"Why, he's my assistant at the office, not yours."

"But I'm your bodyguard. It's my job to ensure the persons you work with doesn't pose any threats especially after the mess with Lena."

"David is a wonderful person."


"Yes. David Tanx."


"Why yell like that, what's the matter?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all."

"You're lying."

"I know David. He was my best friend in college."

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