Chapter 35: Patchings

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Zenobia's POV

I was sitting on the bed, in my bedroom, surrounded by total darkness, listening to the breaking of my heart as reality settled in on me.

I reached for my cellphone I knew was on the nightstand and scrolled to my best friend's name. I called and brought it up to my ears.

Every ring made my heart beat faster and faster until I reached the voicemail. She was ignoring me.

"I guess I deserve it," I said to myself and I called again. The voicemail repeated itself over and over and I picked myself up off the bed, turned on the lights, got dressed and got into my car with a security guard as my acting bodyguard.

I drove to Tiffany's house. Reaching there, I rung the doorbell, knocked and waited. Tiffany's spouse came to the door.

"Hey Zen," he greeted me.

"Hi. How are you, is Tiff here?"

"She is."

"Can you tell her I wish to see her?"

"Sure, and you can come on in."

I entered and he gestured for me to sit in their living room. He left to deliver my message to her.

Tiffany took her precious time before showing her face.

"What do you want?" she asked sharply, folding her arms. I rubbed off on her pretty well.

"I've been calling you."

"I'm aware."

I took a deep breath. "Tiff, I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry. There isn't an excuse for my behavior. I never should have lash out like that. Please forgive me."

"Get out of my house, Zen."


"Nah, you heard me. Leave!"

I didn't know if I deserved that one. That was extremely harsh and it hurt that my best friend was throwing me out of her house.

"Are we even friends?" I managed to ask her. Tears welling up.

She shook her head no and I nodded in acceptance. I walked towards the door and Tiff started laughing then reached out and stopped me.

"Bitch, you're not going anywhere," she said with a laugh, "Girl, I was only playing."

"Tiff.. I swear... I was so hurt," I said with  responding laughter.

"You deserved it after yelling at me like that."

"I know. I know." We embraced each other in a tight hug and stayed there for several minutes before pulling apart.

"And I also wanted to see the extra mile you would make for us to be on good terms again," she added.

"I just had to right my wrongs with you."

"And what about your father and Kyle?"

"The Hollens men are stubborn, especially my father but I managed to fix things with him, as for Kyle, that would be a climbing mountain."

"He's dodging all your calls and texts too?"

"And even my face."

"You saw him recently?"



"Tiff, he acted as if I wasn't in the same room with him."


I sighed loudly and Tiffany offered me a seat and a glass of water.

"What about you having a bodyguard?" she asked.

"One of my security from my premises is currently at the job. He's waiting outside."

"So you're no longer considering David?"

"No. I'm not. He's giving desperate vibes. I should have seen it before."

"Thank you. Finally! Zen is backkkk," she said, dragging the word 'back'. We laughed again, had a few drinks and then I left. The security drove on the way back to my home.


The next morning, I decided to call Kyle but he ignored each call. I then went over to his Aunt Jackie's place.

It would be hard to ignore me in person.

I drove myself to her place, remembering the house well. I was granted permission to enter the gates and I drove up the driveway to the entrance of the house.

I parked, got out and went to the front door and knocked.

Jackie herself answered with a welcoming smile.

"Zenobia, darling. It's been ages. How are you?" she asked. Without waiting for an answer, she pulled me into a bear hug.

"I'm doing great."

"To what do I owe this visit?" Her question was interrupted by Kyle's mother who made her way to the front door also.

"Look what the cat dragged in from the palace," she started with a smirk.

"Don't start," Jackie cut in.

"Why are you here, oh wait lemme guess, you're looking for my son, huh?" she ignored her sister and continued to ask me, "Rumors have it that he quit, is that so, nor that I'm surprised. I wouldn't want to work for you either."

"Jess!" Jackie snapped. Jess brushed her off and circled me like a shark on its prey.

"You really need to stop. You're a grown woman and a mother," I told her.

She eyed me dangerously, positioning herself directly in front of me.

"Listen here, little girl, you're not a Hollen Tower or your father's mansion. This is my grounds now."

"Funny because I thought it was Jackie's," I said. I smirked as she turned red in the face.

"That's enough. Jess, get inside!" Jackie cut in once again. Her sister turned on her heels and walked into the house.

I continued my civil conversation with Jackie. "I'm actually here looking for Kyle. Is he around?" I asked her.

"I'm afraid not. Kyle has his own apartment now."

"Where can I find him?"

"Now, although he told me to keep quiet about it, I'll make an exception for you."

She told me the address, I thank her again and made my way to Kyle's residence.

Thoughts bombarded my mind as I drove but managed to stay focus on the road ahead of me.

I reached the address. It was an apartment complex and Kyle's place was at the top floor. I went up the steps until I got to his door and I knocked and waited for him to answer.


"What am I going to tell him?"

"What is he going to say?"

"How is this going to play out?"

"Will he be happy to see me or annoyed that I'm here?"

Questions after questions played in my mind and again, my heart picked up racing.

I heard footsteps from the other side of the door. I heard the locks unbolting.

Here he comes.

The door handle turned and the door was pulled open.

"Kyle!" I shouted immediately.

"Kyle isn't here, can I help you?" a woman asked. I knew damn well she wasn't in there to clean his place.

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