Chapter 29: Concealed

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Zenobia's POV

 "Everyone should remain confined under one roof. It would be easier to keep in touch with each other and I'll be at ease knowing and seeing that everyone is safe," my grandfather instructed.

 "Dad, we have our own lives to live and a company to run," my father spoke against. 

"EJ, Evan. You haven't given Hollen Tower the Red Light?"

 "Why should we, the person or persons trying to attack this family isn't about to succeed in making us scared, dad," uncle Evan answered.

"Listen to me. An attack was launched at Zenobia right under security's noses! I'm not about to put anyone else at risk for that matter. Shut down Hollen Tower until this issue is resolved. Everyone is to stay HERE!" my grandpa spoke, his final word ringing like a bell in our eardrums. 

Dad and uncle nodded. Hollen Tower in New York was also given the Red Light and my cousin Jase was being flown in on one of the family's private jets. 

"What about Aunt Emily, she should know what's going on," Jevan said. 

"She's aware and I'm not in panic mode for her. She's heavily guarded at a palace," grandpa said.

 Grandma Emma came back into the room with piercing eyes, locked onto my grandfather."Ethan, you've been sloppy. This shouldn't be coming back at us," she laced. 

"Dear, I'm handling this. But I do admit that I've become lackadaisical about the issue. I can't believe she managed to crawl back like the snake she is." 

Whilst everyone else chattered, I left to get some fresh air. It was becoming way too congested and I couldn't think straight nor get any words out between my father, my uncle and my grandfather.The balcony always held a welcoming feeling to it. I can view the hills and valleys around. The fresh air greeted me like hugs against my skin and I flopped down on a chair with a sigh as I ran my fingers through my hair.Deep in thoughts, I failed to notice he was standing at the threshold, looking at my back which was facing him. He cleared his throat. I turned in his direction. 

"What do you want?" I asked. 

"If I can recall correctly, I'm still your bodyguard and now that your grandfather is extra protective, I was firmly instructed to keep an eye on you." 

"You don't have to. I'm at his mansion and I'm not going anywhere," I stated the obvious. 

"While that's true, Miss. Hollen, I do have a job to do." 

I sigh even louder.

 I couldn't shake this guy. A thought of being petty could work.

 "Why don't you go back to your aunt's house and see if your little friend with benefit needs protecting because I sure don't," I said, seeking a reaction from him.To my surprise, he smirked and then it formed into a smile and shortly after it broke into laughter.I was irritated. I didn't give a bloody joke yet here he was laughing like a clown. 

"What's so funny?" I asked him. 

"You are. And everything about your words. Must you try to get a reaction from me?"

 "Oh please. You really think I would waste my time and try to get under your skin, there isn't a jealous bone in me. I'm just trying to get rid of you."What I said must have stung. Kyle nodded, turned on his heels and left without any word. I felt bad for what I did.Why I tend to do the opposite of the things I wanted to do? 

After several more minutes, I left the balcony and entered the bedroom I would be occupying whilst at grandpa's.It was grand and luxurious as the rest of the place. What made my room amazing even more was that of the easy access to the pool right outside the tall glass doors.

 I had a light meal before bed.


The next morning, I joined the family downstairs. I greeted Jase, Jevan and Jada - my cousins and my aunt Jasmine. They were the only ones sitting down at breakfast along with Jevan's girlfriend. 

"Where's everyone else?" I asked. 

"Your dad and mine left early this morning. Grandfather is still upstairs with grandma," Jada answered. 

"Mom, this is ridiculous. I really don't see the necessary need to have us gathered here like we're prisoners," Jase cut in. He always has been blunt.

 "Jase, we talked about this last night when you got in," aunt Jasmine said.

 "I agree with Jase, for once. We have our bodyguards," Jada inputted.Their mother heaved a sigh. She was exhausted and as the bickering continued Jevan intervened and set some order to the table. 

After an awkward breakfast, I disobey my grandfather's wishes and left the mansion to my own home.It didn't take long for the news to break that I've dipped and Kyle was instructed to show up at my home and have me taken back.Yeah right!

 "You need to stop being difficult about this and get back to your grandfather's place," he ordered.

 "What's the difference between here and there, his guarded just as mine." 

"Your best friend's car was exploded right next to yours. This isn't a game and it shouldn't be taken lightly as you are taking it right now. In case you haven't notice, there aren't much security guards here. They were ordered to leave since you were to be at your grandfather's!"

 "Kyle! Would you just..!"

 ZAPPPPP!! Went the power and everything turned pitched dark for a minute until the solar powered system kicked in and restored the lights. 

"What the hell just happened?" I asked, freezing in place. 

"The electricity went off," Kyle spoke and drew his weapon. He made certain the doors were locked and that he was getting the view of the entrances of my home on the camera TV.

 "Grandpa was right. I should have stayed put," I said as gathered myself and went to Kyle's side.

 He phoned for backup and within minutes, my father and uncle arrived.Kyle explained what happened and they toured the mansion grounds, looking for anything suspicious.Shortly after, Kyle came back.

 "Time to leave," he spoke firmly. 

"Something happened?" 

"Someone tampered with your power lines from the pole itself. They weren't aware of your backup system. And I have a sense you were followed here," he answered.I nodded without another protest. I took a few things and we drove back to my grandfather's mansion.This time around, Kyle was ordered to stick beside me. Even in the same bedroom.

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