Chapter 25: Back To Ground Zero

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Zenobia's POV

I couldn't wait for my weekend getaway with Kyle at one of my parents' Cabins. A break would do us marvelously. Away from the busy city and more in touch with nature itself.

Friday afternoon came quickly and I was wrapping things up at the office when Tiffany scrolled in.

"Ah, look who's happy to get away," she joked.

"I've been thinking, we could turn this into a couple's getaway. The cabin is more than spacious and it would be fun to have you and your guy there with us. What do you think?"

"That's a wonderful idea. I'll call him," she answered and headed off in the direction of her office.

Hours later, we were heading to the cabin with Tiffany and her boyfriend following behind in their car.


"Oh my goodness, this is as big as a mansion

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"Oh my goodness, this is as big as a mansion. It's beautiful," Tiff beamed as we walked towards the doors.

"Welcome to Hollen's Nature," I said as I opened the front door and ushered everyone inside. They stared around in amazement.

"Thank you for having us again Zenobia," Boa said.

"It's not a problem at all. Please settle in. Your bedroom is the master on the left and Kyle and myself would be in the right master."

"Wait, there are two masters?" Tiff asked.

"Yes. The cabin was designed by my father and my uncle when we first moved to Los Angeles from New York. This was their getaway and of course, they had different ideas on the interior so my uncle took the left wing and my father took the right. Eventually, my uncle just let my dad owned the entire thing, and of course, my father included my mother in the sharing."

"But it came together nicely in the end," Kyle compliment. We agreed, got settled in and prepared a meal.

At nightfall, we were snuggle up with our significant other on the couch, looking at Riverdale until we drifted off to sleep.


I woke the next morning in the comfort of a mattress in the master bedroom. I scampered out of bed and went into the shower. I brushed my teeth, washed my hair and my body and got dressed into short jeans, crop top and sneakers.

I joined Kyle who was already up and prepared breakfast for everyone. Tiffany and Boa appeared five minutes later and she was checking her email.

"Oh, that reminds me to call my dad and let him know we're settled in and check my emails as well," I said as I retrieved my cellphone. I phoned home and spoke to my mother. Dad and uncle Evan were out.

Then I checked my emails. A few from the office and one of them was from Lina. I scoffed and opened and I almost choked on my laughter from the subject.

Sender: Lina Constantine
Subject: Letter Of Resignation

Pleasant Good Afternoon/Morning Zenobia Hollen,

Effective immediately, I would be quitting as your personal assistant and going to one of your competitor as a manager myself. Our paths would cross in the near future. All the best to you and your family at Hollen Tower.

Lina C.

Ps: I attached a farewell present just for you.

I opened the attachment and my heart sank. Kyle and Lina were in bed together with a date stamped on the image.

It was the night Kyle was very late in returning back home and he wasn't answering my phone calls. He came with that foolish excuse and I was stupid enough to believe him.

"Zen, are you okay?" Tiff asked, noticing I was becoming angry by the seconds, "What's wrong?"

"Hey," Kyle said as he came to check on me. I pushed him away.

"YOU LIAR! And I'm a damn fool for ever believing you and your stupid excuses!"

"Zen, what are you talking about?" he asked.

"You gonna act like you don't know what the hell I'm talking about, huh? It all makes sense. You hid the truth from me about Lina! You failed to tell me she was living at your aunt's house, I had to find that out on my own!"

"And I apologized for that. We've been over that so why is this coming up again?"

"You're sleeping with her!" I yelled.

"WHAT! I'm not sleeping with Lina!"

"I don't respect a liar! I cannot respect a liar! Be honest with me about this!"

"Zen, what happened?" Tiff asked, coming to my side.

"Lina resigned and she left me a photo of her and Kyle in bed together."

"WHAT?" Tiff and Kyle shouted at the same time. I showed him the picture and he was stunned. I bolted out of the room and passed a nonchalant Boa on the way out.

My legs carried me to a clearing through the trees. I sat down on a trunk and broke down in tears. I thought Kyle was different. I thought he loved me and only me.

"Zen," I heard Tiff said. She came and sat beside me and rubbed my shoulders. She offered me a box of tissues and words of comfort.

"It's going to be okay. Maybe this is all a misunderstanding."

"A misunderstanding, Tiff? My man was in bed with some bitch he had sex with at college and that's a misunderstanding?"

"Listen, we don't know what happened for sure."

"What you think happened, huh? You think they were playing Hide And Go Seek? I know you're trying to make me feel better but please don't."

"Zen, you've always been stubborn. You knew Lina was up to no good from day one. You knew that."

"And what does that got to do with my man being in bed with her? I shouldn't have to fight to keep a woman away from him. He should be faithful to me and ONLY ME! I've never crossed him."

I was livid. First, it was Jake with his assistant and now it was Kyle and his former friend with benefit. Maybe he lied about that too. Maybe she was his girlfriend and he was just didn't want to claim her as an ex-girlfriend.


"Kyle is looking for you but I would advise you to blow off some steam before talking to him."

"I'm not blowing off shit. He's about to see the wrath of a Hollen!"

I went to the Cabin and found the guys looking for me. Kyle jogged over to me to wrap me into a hug but I slapped his arms away.

"I want you out! Take your belongings and get out of my parents' cabin."

"Zen, don't do this," his voice broke.

"I'm serious. We're through."

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