Chapter 60: Boxed In

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Zenobia's POV

"I can't believe this. It has been months and this box hasn't opened. That kinda of juju is this?" Kyle asked.

We laid in bed, toying with the small mystery  box.

"It is indeed a challenge," I responded.

"Should I just smash it open or...."

"No. Don't you dare do that. My grandma said it would open when the time is right."

"What does that mean though, and why it wouldn't stop flashing that red light, is this a bomb?"

"It would have detonated months ago, Kyle. It's been here for weeks."

We sighed with defeat once again. Kyle placed the box on the nightstand next to our bed.

"Let's change the subject," he said as he moved in closer to me.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked him.

"Our future. Our lives together. Vacation. Spending time with family and friends. Working towards more goals. Marriage. Kids."

My eyes popped at the word 'kids'.

"Of course, we're not going to rush into things. Gradually and slowly is the best approach because marriage and children are life changing factors," he inputted.

"I want all of those with you and only you, baby. I love you."

"I love you too."

Our lips met.

*Beep. Beep. Opened*

"What the hell was that, did the box just said 'opened'?" I asked.

Kyle went over to the box. I watched as he attempted to open it and surely, the box opened, revealing another smaller box on the inside.

Kyle attempted to open the smaller box, but he couldn't.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I broke into a laugh. I looked heavenward. "Grandpa, you're having a laugh as well, aren't you?"

"Hold on. This is a voice activated box. At the words 'I love you' and 'I love you too', it started beeping and it opened," Kyle said with curiosity written all over his face.

"Okay. But there's another box and that one didn't open."

"Maybe we should say it again?"

"I love you."

"I love you too."


"Okay.. This box isn't going to send my blood pressure up," I expressed.

"When the time is right'. I think this has to do with something pertaining to love."

"I believe you. Down side to this is, grandma wouldn't reveal the answer to us."

"Uh-huh. Let's go on with what we were talking about. You light up when we talk about our dreams. Question, do you want kids before or after marriage?"

"I want a baby before I get married, only because I want my first born to be present at the wedding. It would be the cutest moment to have my little toddler in the wedding photos."

"That would be nice. Have him or her running around at the reception, eating cake."

We laughed. My eyes landed on the box again.

"I believe we would crack it. I like the golden box. Let's get some rest," Kyle said and we fell asleep in each other's arms.

*40 Weeks Later*

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