Chapter 22: Get On With It

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Zenobia's POV

"You could have told me about yourself and Kyle being a thing back in college," I said to Lina as I casually walked up to her desk which was located right outside my own office.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to interfere. You two seem to have a connection other than just employee and her bodyguard. Am I wrong?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Kyle and I are strictly professional," I answered and pushed in the doors to my office. I walked over to my desk and got on the computer.

Tiffany knocked and entered.

"Good morning. I took the liberty in getting you some coffee."

"Good morning and thanks Tiff."

"What's the matter, you sound down."

"Just a new revelation. Kyle and Lina had a sexual relationship at college."

Tiffany gasped and came closer to me. "Zen, this is beginning to sound very fishy. There's something about her I don't like."

"You made that clear like a million times," I said with a laugh.

"And I'll say it a million more until you get it through your head."

"Okay. New assignment. Dig up as much as you possibly can about Lina. From elementary school to college. Leave no stones unturn."

"Trust me, I'll take pleasure in finding out as much as I can about that snake."

She left short after and I went back into submitting the documents my father asked me to email him.

At lunch, Lina found me in my private lunch room by myself.

"Let me explain something please. I'm sorry I wasn't up front about Kyle and I. It was a silly thing we did back in college and I don't feel anything for him anymore. I wouldn't get in the way of you and him. I can tell he likes you and you like him as well," she explained.

I narrowed my eyes at her and I smiled to myself. Thinking about him still caused the butterfly effect and I wished he was here with me right now.

"Whatever happened between the two of you should remain exactly that. I'm not interested in knowing what that was all about."

"Are you saying that you're not interested in Kyle, because if you're not, I'll gladly..."

"You'll gladly what?"

"I'll gladly talk to him for you."

"I don't need your help when it comes to Kyle. I got this."

"So things aren't strictly professional as you said they were. You told a little fib."

"Because I don't want you in my business like that. But it seems to me that you're lying too because I know when another woman has the hots for another man. And that's your case with Kyle."


"Nah. It's Miss. Hollen when we're at work," I corrected.

"In that case, Miss. Hollen. You are wrong."

I finished my meal, washed my hands, dried them, applied lotion and walked out of my private lunch room.


Kyle's POV

After Zenobia made it clear that Kenneth was taking her home instead of me, I was concern about if he would be replacing me. I waited for her arrival and practiced what I would be saying to her and imagined how she would react towards me.

Within the time of an hour, Kenneth dropped off Zenobia then drove away.

"Zen, we need to talk."

"I have nothing to say to you right now."

"Communication is the key to having things resolve."

"What's your question then?"

"Is Kenneth going to replace me?"

"Oh, so you're talking to me because you're concerned about your job?"

"That's not the only reason. Come on, we have a patch to smooth out. I don't like the way things are between us."

"I like it. We really should remain professional and stop pretending as if this would go somewhere. You don't see a future with me. You're only living in the moment so why should I waste my time on you?"

"That's the way you feel about me right now?"

"Maybe you'll get a much better response from Lina," she said.

"Wait wait wait. What does she... Did she.. Did she say anything to you about me and her still being a thing because if she did, she's lying. I want nothing to do with her!"

"Why is that, were you just using her in college?"

"Yes and no. Lina has a side to her. A twisted, delusional, obsessive side especially when she gets hurt. When she wanted to become my girlfriend, she would bully the other female friends I had, created drama between my males and I all so she can have me to herself."

"So the typical college sexual freaks where one partner wanted more. How romantic."

"I'm not joking around. Her coming back here and working at Hollen Tower isn't a coincidence either. You need to watch your back."

"Trust me, I've got this under control. I'm not afraid of her. That's enough talking anyway. Do you want to come in?"

"You're amazing," I let out as I thrust from behind her. We made it into her chilly air conditioning bedroom and we were having our way with each other.

"I missed you so much," she moaned and we engulfed each other in a hug as we climaxed and settled down.

"Zen, we really need to be clear on our standing with each other. I'm not into on and off relationships. We're either in this together or we're not."

"Okay. I've been thinking about it and about you and I do want to see where this goes but I'm scared of getting hurt. Jake hurt me so bad and...."

"Screw Jake. He can have the front seat to watching me treat you and love you the way you deserve to be treated and love."

We wrapped each other even tighter and closer. I didn't want to let her go but I wasn't aware I would eventually have to.

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