Chapter 46: Pool Night

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Zenobia's POV

Night had fallen. I looked at the clock on the wall. Ten O'clock. I was still up, brainstorming my business plan. I struggled to fight a yarn and thought some herbal tea would be perfect to have.

I headed to the kitchen and made myself a cup then I heard a splash. I put down my cup and headed towards the pool.

Jordan was in it.

I crept along the long poolside chairs to have myself a peek. He was shirtless. The water styled his neat pompadour haircut flat to his head. His body glistened in the water under the lights in and around the pool.

I gulped as he rose and sat on the edge. He reached for his phone and began typing then he dropped it up to his ears and started a conversation with someone.

I forced my ears to listen in and drew myself closer, staying out of his sight. Hopefully.


Jordan's POV

Zenobia Hollen.

My uncle did warned me that she was a handful but I was up for the challenge of being her new bodyguard after Kyle quit.

The first impression I got was that of her being a spoiled brat. She was her parents' only child and they spoiled her to the core. Born and raised into money, she had everything she ever wanted but yet for all, she wasn't happy.

She appeared to be ungrateful towards her father and all what he had done for her.

She was low-key an alcoholic and did a very poor job of containing her liquors and her behavior after consuming it.

There were talks about her and Kyle having a relationship whilst being her bodyguard. How unprofessional. It was bound to end the way it did and when she saw he had moved on, and somewhat played her, she turned to alcohol and broke the last straw but I wasn't expecting her father to go off on her like that.

Kind of made me feel sorry for her.

Hearing him telling her that he'll take away everything was extreme. At the end of the day, that was still his daughter.

And she was doing a very poor job of spying on me.

She couldn't keep still. I saw her every move behind those pool chairs, and I thought it was funny but crazy.

"Hey, mom," I spoke as my mother answered the phone.

"Darling, how are you?"

"I'm good. Sorry for calling so late."

"Oh, it's fine. I was just having a cup of tea before bed. How's the new job, have you seen Kenneth?"

"Yeah. We spoke. He's based at Mr. EJ Hollen's property. I'm at his daughter's so we don't see everyday but he's okay. The job is great too."

"Good to know. I heard the Hollen girl is a handful."

"Ma, her name is Zenobia."

"Opp. Look at you correcting me about her. Now, Jordan, don't you dare go mixing business with pleasure. Okay?"

"Come on, I know better."


I heard her yarn. "Ma, I'll get you go have your tea and get to bed. Have a goodnight. I love you."

"I love you too. Goodnight."

I hung up and walked over to Zenobia's so-called hiding place. She sprung up in surprise when I came up to her.

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