Chapter 21: Stuck In The Middle

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Zenobia's POV

After having a few more drinks with my best friend and Lina, I decided to call it a night and have Kyle take me home. Hugging the girls goodnight and wishing them to get home safely, Tiffany got into her car but Lina didn't have one.

"You can get a ride with me," I offered. It was a Friday night and it was late.

"How about an uber?" Kyle spoke. I eyed him.

"I don't want to intrude. I can catch an uber or a cab or..."

"Nonsense. We're heading in the same direction. I can drop you off. Get in the car," I said again and she obliged without another protest.

Kyle was driving unusually slow compared to his usual pace and I decided to make small talk with Lina to kill the silence in the car. We talked about her first moving here and life back at her former home in New York.

"You know, we're originally from New York. The family thought it would be best to move to LA as the market was more outstanding compared to NY. Although Hollen Tower still operates there. My cousin, Jase, is in charge there," I expressed.

"It's amazing how Hollen Tower became so successful. You really have it all. People would kill to have your life."

"Don't remind me," I said with a laugh, "What about your family?"

"Let's just say the life and comfort I should be having right now was snatched away from me, my sister, my mom and my grandmother," Lisa answered. Her voice carried hatred and bitterness.

"That's unfortunate Lina. But if there's one thing I've learnt, that's would be what's meant for you would always be for you."

"And it's a pity to not be a Hollen," she finished and we shared a laugh.


After an hour, Kyle stopped at his Aunt Jackie's main gate entrance.

"Why are we here?" I asked him.

"I'm home," Lina answered, "Thanks for the ride. Goodnight," Lina answered and quickly got out with a smile.

Kyle drove homeward next but I couldn't stop myself from drilling him with questions.

"Kyle, why did we drop her off at your aunt's place?" I asked.

"She was invited to stay there while visiting one of her relatives."

"Oh, so you really know a lot, huh, and are the two of you related or something?"


"So she's not related to you nor your aunt and your mom but they definitely know her well enough to invite her to stay there with them so I'll ask again, why is she living there?"

"She's an old college friend of mine. She's familiar with my aunt and my mom."

"Old college friend? Care to elaborate and be a little more specific, Livingston!"

"We had relations," he sharply said.

"Oh, so she's your ex-girlfriend?"

"No. She never had a relationship title. She was just a friend I had sex with at college."

"You've got to be kidding me! You knew exactly who she was and you kept a straight face and a secret."

"In case you've forgotten, you and I decided to cool things down in the relationship and be professional. I really don't see why you care right now."

I held my tongue because what I wanted to say to him wasn't going to be nice. We continued the way home in silence and I was mentally cursing him out.

Lina's POV

It was Saturday and my older sister wanted to meet up with me so we can have brunch at one of the parks. It was sunny out and my hair flew in the wind as I drove one of Aunt Jackie's cars Jess allowed me to have.

I met my sister and we found a spot underneath a gazebo and next to a water fountain in the park.

"I've missed you. And you look great by the way," I greeted as I wrapped her into a bear hug.

"You look great too," she answered. My sister was beautiful. Tall, perfect body, long hair and light blue eyes. Her presence was intoxicating and addicting.

"We need to talk," she said.

Oh man! Whenever she said 'we need to talk' she literally means it.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Lina, lastnight I saw you getting into a car with Zenobia Hollen. And I've heard you manage to land a job at Hollen Tower as her assistant. Why are you messing with Zenobia?"

"Oh come on! You know why," I said in a groan.

"Listen to me. You don't want to do this. You don't want to start something with Zenobia that you cannot finish. She has the entire Hollen family on her side, Lina. Walk away from this! I'm begging you."

"Walk away? How can I walk away from this when she's living the life I should be having. That we should be having, sis."

"I have a life and I'm happy with it. Do you see me being bitter over past nonsense?"

"Past nonsense? When did you decided to become so weak, Cecelia?"

"It's not our battle to fight for! This has nothing to do with you!"

"YES! It does!"

"Wow. You sound so much like grandma right now, it's scary. That woman filled your head with her bullshit and got you twisted around her fingers like a fool. You need to let this go and try finding happiness. Live your life for you and stop seeking revenge against them. This isn't even Zenobia's fault."

"I could care less about that."

"Lina, she's the only daughter and only child of EJ and Zenia Hollen. You don't mess with a parent's only offspring! You're asking for your life to be cut short."

"Look, if you're scared of them, I'm not. I'm a Hollen too!" I shouted.

My sister chuckled and shook her head at me and that made me more angry. I couldn't believe the way she acting like such a coward and at one point she listened to grandma.

"You used to listen to grandma," I said as the thought crossed my mind.

"That was until I realized she was a crazy old woman. Everything she said consisted of hate, revenge and bitterness."

"She has every right to be bitter. Would you like to have the life you dream of and comfortable of get taken away from you by the help?"

"Life is full of the unexpected. Shit happens!"

"You're unfuckingbelievable. You'll accept anything even if someone destroys your life, you'll just roll over and accept it? Get a spine you invertebrate!" I stood up to leave.

"Where are you going, you're not staying for brunch?"

"I've lost my appetite!"

"And your senses as well if you think you'll get your way with this."

"I have the perfect backup," I said, "Leave me to do what I want to do. Grandma Sharon would have her revenge and I would make certain on it."

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