Chapter 23: Keep Your Enemies Close

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Lina's POV

I couldn't stand kissing up to the spoil and entitled Zenobia Hollen. I hated pretending to smile and be welcoming of her presence especially at the office when in actuality I wanted to pluck every strand of hair from her scalp.

I hated her. I hated The Hollens. Every last one of them. They were thieves and people born with the golden spoon in their mouths from the success of others. Leeches and parasites described the women, especially Zenobia Hollen.

"I can't take it anymore! I really want to bash her face in," I said to Jess as we entered into the kitchen, "She's always acting as if she's better than everyone else around her."

"You need to calm down and go with the plan. Kiss up to the spoil little bitch, become close friends with her. Let her trust you," Jess answered.

"That's easy for you to say. I feel like I'm more her slave than her assistant."

"Lina, digest that pride and do your job. Soon, it would be the other way around."

I smiled my best smile as I thought about having Zenobia as my own personal slave and fulfilling every task I desired, including watching me have my way with Kyle whilst in her presence. I couldn't wait to have the last laugh.

Zenobia's POV

My favorite time of the day was dawn. When the sky held the early rise of the sun, the birds were chipping and movements were at a minimum.

I rolled out the bed and did my morning routine in preparation for the office. I met Kyle on the driveway and he drove me to work.

"Good morning Zen," Tiffany greeted as she met me in the parking lot.

"Good morning Tiff."

"So, I did some digging and some much deeper digging into Lina Constantine but I've only managed to come up with highschool records and her college history which is surprisingly clean except for a fight and a short suspension as the punishment," she explained as we made our way into the building.

"Interesting. Tell you what, I'll handle things with Lina here on out. You don't need to worry about it," I assured her and we didn't mention Lina's name until she showed up for work with a gift basket.

"I know things have been strenuous between the two of us lately and I don't wish for that to continue. I want to have a great working environment with you," she spoke and held the gift basket out to me.

"Thank you, Lina," I responded as I took the basket from her. The sweet smell of the vanilla body creams and perfumes crowded my nostrils.

We exchanged smiles and eventually a hug and I watched her take a seat at her desk.

I shook my head and asked myself how far she was willing to go and for how long she was going to pretend. I thought about milking it and having some fun as long as I possibly can with her.

After work, I headed to my parents. Dad had the day off and there was something I needed to update him on. They weren't in the foyer, nor the main livingroom or the sitting areas. They weren't in the kitchen or outside by the pool.

My feet carried me to their bedroom and I pushed in the door. I saw my folks in a position I wouldn't dream of doing.

"MOM! DAD!" I shouted.

"Shit!" they both shouted and scribbled to covering up.

Eventually, they met me downstairs and I busted out laughing. "You two just be lit in the bedroom, huh?" I teased.

"Oh please, I'm sure it's nothing compared to what you and that bodyguard be doing," dad answered.

I laughed and we went into his home office to converse.

Kyle's POV

"What was the emergency and this better be good because I left my job to be here," I asked the woman who walked out on me. I was over at Aunt Jackie's house and my mother had tears in her eyes.

"Son, someone is trying to hurt me."

"Who, and why aren't you calling the police?"

"I can't. He said he'll really hurt me if I get the police involve in this."

"Who is this guy?"

"Someone I dealt with before going away. He is blackmailing me for money and I need your help to get him to stop."

"Give me all the information on him and I'll take it from there," I informed her. She jotted down his name, address and telephone number onto a sheet of paper and handed it to me.

"Before you leave, would you join me for a quick meal?" she asked.

I was patched and although I wanted to decline, I accepted. We sat down and ate together and surprisingly, we had a good conversation. Probably the best conversation we ever had as parent and child.

I stood up to leave once I was done but I was extra drowsy and dizzy and my vision was that of a thick mist.

"Kyle, are you okay?" I heard my mother's voice asking. It echoed and she appeared to be very far away although I knew she was sitting across from me a moment ago.

Confusion took control of my thinking and I collapsed onto the floor.

I woke up and found myself in one of my aunt's guest bedroom. I reached for my cellphone and saw ten missed calls from Zenobia and it was after midnight. I couldn't believe it and I was puzzled.

I was having a meal with my mother in the evening and the next thing I knew I was waking up after midnight in bed.

I left the bedroom, got into the car I drove there with and left. Reaching Zenobia's home, I immediately went upstairs to see if she still awake.

As I opened the door to the bedroom, I saw her wide awake in bed.

"Kyle! I was worried! Why weren't you answering your phone and why are you just getting in?"

"Baby, the most crazy thing happened. I was eating with my mother and then I woke up after midnight in one of Aunt Jackie's guest bedroom. I don't know how I even got there. I can't remember being exhausted and going there to rest," I explained.

"Maybe you really are exhausted. You've been working hard and you probably fell into a comfortable sleep that your body desperately wanted," she said.

I got into bed with her and we pulled each other in for a hug. I wasn't aware of what transpired in Aunt Jackie's guest bedroom while I was asleep but I was soon going to be.

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