Chapter 40: Coo-Coo

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Zenobia's POV

He showed me towards the bedroom. I slowly walked up to the bed as he stood in the doorway, looking at me.

"Thanks," I said.

"Can I get you anything, something to eat, drink or perhaps both?" he asked.

"A sandwich and a glass of chilled orange juice would be nice right now," I answered.

"Coming right up."

"Thanks. And umm.. Is it okay if I use your shower?"

"Of course. Go right ahead. I have extra towels on the rack in there."


He left for the kitchen and I went into the bathroom. I removed my clothes, stepped into the shower and turned the water on.

After fifteen minutes, I got out, towel-dried myself and stepped back into the bedroom where Kyle was entering with a hamburger and a glass of orange juice.

"Hey. I just wanted to leave this here for you," he said quickly. He placed it on the nightstand.

"Thanks," I said.

"You should let the towel fall," my evil side spoke mentally.

"Have some decorum. He's not going to fall for it," my good side responded.

"Sometimes it can get a bit chilly in here. There are blankets in the closet, extra pillows, umm.."

"Kyle, I'll be okay and out of your way in the morning. Promise."

He nodded and left and I mentally cussed myself. I changed into one of his T-shirts, ate, drank, had some water and fell asleep in Kyle's bed.


Kyle's POV

"I need to get myself a more comfortable couch," I said as I woke the following morning. I stood up, stretched and opened the blinds.

Then I headed for the bedroom. I almost forgot Zenobia slept here but her sleeping figure in my bed, in one of my tees made me remembered clearly and what occurred last night.

She appeared so peaceful. Sleeping like an angel. Her bouncy curls were covering a potion of her face, the bed sheets were doing a poor job of covering up her legs while were spread apart from each other.

The alarm goes off and she woke up with a surprise scream.

"Oh my God," she said, holding her chest. She looked around her, then at herself, "Wait, what happened, why am I here, did we...."

"Zen, calm down. You drove yourself here yesterday evening and you have been drinking. I couldn't let you drive home like that and I no longer have clearance to your home so I couldn't take you. You slept in my bed, I took the couch and that was that. Nothing else happened," I explained to her.

"Are you sure, because I'm not wearing any panties right now!"

I gulped. "You wanted to take a shower, and I'm guessing you didn't put back on the same panties you had on yesterday."

"No. That's.. eww. No."

"Okay. Umm, how about this, my aunt once bought me some underwater but I never used them. They were too small and looked weird." I reached for the top drawer on my bedroom chest and handed  them to her.

She looked at it and started laughing.

"Aunt Jackie got you these?"

"Bruh, don't laugh."

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