Chapter 59: GoodBye

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Zenobia's POV

I awoke in Kyle's arms with my head resting on his chest. My face was sticky from last night's crying. Slowly, I got out of bed and tiptoed into the shower.

The tears started again as the water washed over my hair and body. When I was finish, I wrapped in a towel, dried myself off then got into a bathrobe.

I walked back into the bedroom. Kyle was already up, straightening the bedsheets and pillows.

"Good morning."

"Good morning, how are you doing, I hope that wasn't a stupid question," he said, turning to face me.

"Of course it isn't, Kyle. I'll be okay though. Thanks for being here for me and with me."

"There's no other place I'd rather be than by your side right now. I've missed you. I've missed us but I don't want to spring everything out to you in a time like this. I don't even know if I should give you space or pull you closer."

"I'll try to be more vocal about things pertaining you and I. Family was everything to my grandfather, being there for each other, loving each other, caring for each other. I want to follow in his footsteps."

"I understand that."

We hugged for a few seconds before he went downstairs and I got dressed.


My phone rang and Tiffany's name flashed on the screen.

"Hey," I answered.

"Grant me permission to get in. I'm at your gate."

"My security still stops you, I'll have a word with them about that."

Granting the permission to have her enter the premises, I met her downstairs on the patio.

"I've heard the news. I'm so sorry for your loss, Zen."

She pulled me in for a hug. "Thank you."

Several minutes later, my father's SUV pulled onto the driveway. Him and my mother got out and walked over to us.

"Good morning. Zen, you're needed at your grandparents'," Mom said.

Without question, Tiffany and Kyle accompanied me there.


Everyone has gathered in the large dinning room, sitting around the table.

Tiffany and Kyle sat in the corner and I joined the family at the table.

"Wonderful, now that we're all here, I'll begin The Will Ethan had ordered and specifically wanted me to deliver in reading to everyone present."

"A will, dad didn't have to," aunt Emily said.

"He was aware. He wanted to. You're his children, grandchildren and great grand," grandma said and smiled dearly at everyone.

She began reading, starting with Uncle Evan and aunt Emily who were twins, then my father.

Each were one billion dollars richer and received a luxury car for their choice. Evan would remain CEO of Hollen Tower until he hand the reigns to a family member. Grandfather highlighted that it must be a Hollen, and if Evan fails that task, my father would have the authority to overrule. My dad would remain second in command. Aunt Emily was a queen, although she holds shares in HT, she didn't want to be an employee with the family.

For the grandchild, we were two billion dollars richer with a luxury car, and grandfather wanted me to have his private yacht, The Emmy. Jevan received the black jet and the other private aircrafts remained to the family's access and usages.

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