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Snoozing his alarm clock, Kun groaned and sat upon the bed, ruffling his hair. The male sighed, another hectic day at the hospital. He stood up and stretched, cracking his bones as it resonated through the room.

After getting the news of Jaehyun and Mark missing yesterday, he immediately asked for the whole hospital to look for them – which they, fortunately, found at the rooftop. At first, they thought the both of them are committing suicide, especially Mark because of his major depression, but fortunate for them, Prof. Son was there to hear whatever they were talking about and it was far from pushing themselves off the building.

She let them stay on the rooftop for a while – of course after getting Kun's consent – but she told them to get back inside as it was getting darker and later. It made Kun smile at the thought, at least he got a good night's rest yesterday.

The door opened, making the male stop what he was doing and stare at the person who opened it. "Oh hey."

Hansol broke a smile, "Good morning, breakfast is ready."

"Oh, okay. I'll be down in a few." Kun smiled as Hansol mirrored his action before closing the door and walking back to the, as Kun would guess the kitchen.

The man took a quick shower and threw a white button-down polo paired with black slacks. He didn't bother styling his faded blonde hair, leaving it tousled before walking out of the room. Kun caught a glimpse of Hansol taking a big bite of waffles, making him chuckle softly at the sight before entering the kitchen.

"That's a big bite," Hansol flinched at the sudden voice, blinking upon seeing Kun sit in front of him as he stopped munching on his waffles. "You know how much I love waffles."

The chinese shrugged, "Fair point."

The two shared silence for a while, with Kun not finding the slightest bit of appetite to eat the waffles Hansol made. The older looked at the chinese who is just playing with the food, swallowing the food inside his mouth.

"Anything wrong?"

The younger hummed, glancing up at Hansol before slouching on his seat and heaving a deep breath, "Just tired and confused."

Hansol gulped down his glass of water, "How's that?"

"I checked Taeyong's hospital records yesterday and his illness isn't that bad, though he acts like it is. As for Yangyang, I don't get how he is here when he's just dyslexic." Kun propped his elbow on the table and used his hands to rub his temples. "It's just frustrating."

Hansol creased his eyebrows, "How is Taeyong's illness not that bad? He almost peeled his skin off from washing it too much the moment he got in the hospital four years ago."

"And the fact that he is in the hospital for four years now and he still cleans things excessively, how is that not severe?"

Kun sighed deeply and just shrugged, he was also confused because of this. From what he knows, it usually just takes six to twelve months for a person with OCD to recover– unless it's really severe, then it may take longer. Hansol does have a point, he didn't even know if staying in the mental hospital for four years after being diagnosed with OCD is even normal.

"Have you checked his clinical interview?" Hansol asked, taking his emptied plate and placing it on the sink as Kun heaved a sigh yet again.

"I did, it isn't that serious when I compared it to the DSM-5 diagnosis." The chinese replied, pushing his hair back. "Enough with this topic, what about Yangyang?"

"The dyslexic one?" Hansol earned a hum from the younger, "We can send him back home, I think him staying there for seven months helped somehow. How did he even get there, anyway?"

The owner of the hospital thought for a moment before feeling his heart drop after remembering how he got there. Seeing how the boy's parents forced him to achieve his learning disability in a mental hospital made his heart broke. His parents did force Kun to take him in even though how many times did the chinese tell them that he shouldn't be in a mental hospital.

He also noticed that Yangyang is an unwanted child.

And how his parents want to get rid of him either way.

It broke his heart, seeing Yangyang's face full of tears that he didn't want to be separated from his parents. He remembered how much he cried when he saw how his parents left him at the stairs of the hospital in a car with Kun beside the boy. And that was also the time when Hansol was taking a day off.


The said male snapped back to reality, "Oh, uh, it's a long story. But I knew very well he was an unwanted child."

That was all it took for Hansol to understand how the boy got there. He may not know the whole story in detail, but he got an idea. The older male sighed and just shook his head,

"You know what? Let's just go back to work. If you're not going to eat, at least get an apple or something. I know you're not going to function well with an empty stomach." Hansol wiped his hands on a piece of cloth before kissing Kun's cheek, "We'll be leaving in ten."

The chinese froze at the sudden action, was he stressing out that much to the point that he forgot about him being a relationship?

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