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doyoung x taeil

It was just the Irregular Ward, Hansol, and Wendy.

Kun had to leave by monday of the following week, and would you look at that it's already monday which means Dr. Ji and Prof. Son to take over the patients of the Irregular Ward.

Not going to lie, Kun actually had a hard time convincing Sihye that he'll leave all the work to both Hansol and Wendy. The professor kept on bugging Kun to let her watch over the ward since she now knows not all but at least almost all of their illnesses. The lady may be a huge flirt and the chinese may or may not want her to disappear, but he still cared for her life.

He knew he had to accept Ms. Kwon's request since it was a once in a blue moon thing yet Hansol was still against it. But just like Sihye, he managed to convince his lover that everything is going to be okay.

Not like Hansol isn't making therapy sessions with some of the patients in there.

"Prof. Yoon, would you mind?" Hansol massaged his temples, finding it really annoying to see Sihye walking around the office from his peripheral vision. The lady smiled sheepishly before uttering a small 'sorry'.

First day with Kun not around and things are already not in good shape. Hansol had to cancel Taeyong's TMS therapy session for today, had to file a discharge form for Yangyang, contacting Taeil's sister now and then to gather more information about him, and earning a message about merging hospitals with the psychiatric hospital from the other city.

Add the fact that Sihye is inside the meeting room right now with Hansol, walking around to find the files of the newly admitted mentally ill patient on the first floor.

It's usually organized and not this chaotic, but ever since Kun left for Ms. Kwon's help at the main hospital (that being hours ago), everything seemed disorganized and it's making Hansol stressed.

"Can you please just take the files and leave? Now?" Hansol pointed his arms to the door as Sihye took a folder out of a cabinet before giving the CEO a smile and making her way out of the room.

Hansol sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as the room was finally engulfed with a peaceful atmosphere. Damn, he should get used to this – I mean, it was his fault in the first place as to why Sihye's here.

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"Here, remember to take the meds every few hours. I'll inform Doyoung or Jaemin to let you take it if you forgot." Wendy smiled, placing the medicine on the table beside Taeil who just came back from the ICU. "Remember to press the emergency button if something happens."

Taeil smiled and nodded, making himself comfortable on the bed as he pulled the thin yet comfortable blankets up to his neck. He didn't want to sleep yet, but there's nothing else to do rather than that.

The male sighed and closed his eyes, not even attempting to drift off to dreamland after sleeping in the ICU for probably sixteen hours a day – waking up only to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner.


Taeil fluttered his eyes open, meeting eyes with Doyoung who took a seat on the space in the bed. The older sat up and shifted his position, now sitting on an indian seat as Doyoung did the same, across Taeil, that is.

"How are you feeling?"

The older male shrugged, pushing his knees up to hug his legs. "Still the same, shitty, crazy person."

Doyoung frowned, "Don't say that."

"Where's the lie in my words, though?" Taeil deadpanned making eye contact with the younger as he pursed his lips in a thin line, not going to lie, Doyoung feels the same – shitty and crazy person.

"Make that the two of us," Doyoung tugged his lips in a small smile, which was by far the most thing he could do in months after breaking up with his ex. "We're the shitty, crazy duo."

Taeil snickered, placing his chin on his arms, "Sure."

They shared silence for a while, just enjoying each other's presence which boosted something in Taeil. He never felt so energetic talking to someone ever since he got here, and it makes him want to tell him everything about the older – minus the reason why he was here since he might have another panic attack.

"So," Taeil started, breaking the ice between them. "I-If you don't me asking, not like I'm going to force you or anything so I'm sorry if it will offend you or something, I'm just really curious about yourself and like—"

"Spill the question," Doyoung cuts the older male off, making Taeil stop what he was blabbering about and blink at Doyoung's soft yet dominating voice.

"H-How... W-What made you fear about l-love?"

It was the taller's turn to blink, pursing his lips in a thin line. He looked down and started fiddling with his fingers, he's okay with telling someone why did he fear to love, but right now, it's really bothering his emotions and it's slowly triggering him.

Seeing Doyoung's tensed state, Taeil immediately put his hands up and shook it in front of the younger, "Y-You don't have to tell me! I know all that jazz, not fully trusting anyo—"

"It was my ex."

Taeil blinked, he doesn't actually know what it feels like to have an ex but to the point that Doyoung was scared of the feeling that he needed to go to a psychiatric hospital, it made Taeil internally panic – slightly triggering his emotions.

"I-I thought she was the one," Soft yet unsteady breaths started eliciting from the taller male. "I-I grew attached, thinking s-she was the one for me.."

Taeil was alarmed, his head started aching too because it slightly triggered his emotions, but he'd rather take care of Doyoung first before his own.

"S-She was my everything."

"I was so, so in love to the point that i-if she breaks my heart, I w-will start to fear for love." Doyoung's palms started to sweat, even his forehead, which made the older panic. "A-And it happened.."

"Doyoung, stop talking." Taeil held both of his shoulders, giving an intense stare onto Doyoung's orbs. "Please, stop talking."

The younger did for a moment, though it didn't stop him from having physical panic attacks. Taeil immediately took action, taking the bottle of water on top of his table and handing it to Doyoung, still not moving his left hand away from his shoulder.

"It's okay, you're gonna be alright," Taeil softly utters, rubbing his thumb on his shoulder to hopefully calm him down as Doyoung chugged half of the content of the water inside rather quickly. "Shh, calm down, it's alright."

Doyoung started to calm down somehow, but that doesn't stop him from talking.

"S-She cheated on me, b-broke it off, leaving me on the s-streets acting like a p-psychopath.." By now, tears rolled down his eyes as he recalled the memory – ignoring the fast pace of his heartbeat.

Taeil nibbled on his bottom lip, taking the younger's hand to his and using his left hand to caress his hair. "Doyoung, stop talking.. She isn't worth thinking for."

"B-But hyung, w-we should be m-married by now.."

"Hush now, Doie." Taeil gave him a small smile, not having the guts to hug him and just hold his hand for warmth and comfort, "Calm down and don't think about her."

For some reason, it kind of hurt the older when Doyoung was talking about her.

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