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happy jisung day !

© hokii11_ on twitter

mark x donghyuck

As if everyone did something productive today, the patients immediately drifted off to dreamland the moment their ward's lights were turned off by a nurse when all they did was sleep the whole afternoon. Honestly speaking, it's still tiring not to do anything for a day as well as just sleeping for hours.

But for Donghyuck's case, he just stared at the ceiling as the only light that provided inside the room was the light outside the ward, passing through the door's small window. He looked at the bed beside him, which was Yukhei's, only to see his back faced on the tanned male. Donghyuck wanted to check if the half chinese was awake so that they can at least do something to kill time for the whole night, but after seeing how he almost scared Jungwoo off a while ago, he started to think about his life decisions.

Just as he was about to sigh loudly and probably stare at the ceiling the whole night just like how he always does every time he can't sleep, he hears something shuffling not far from him.

Donghyuck averted his attention to the side, seeing a rather dark figure getting himself out of the bed. He couldn't figure out who it was even if he squinted his eyes because it was silhouetted, but the tanned male made sure not to move from his spot.

The person made his way to the door, with his hand pulling the IV stand as Donghyuck was still figuring out who it was – but couldn't see it because of the darkness.

"Where are you going?" A faint yet hoarse voice resonated in the room, with Donghyuck immediately recognizing it as Taeil's.

"Some fresh air." The other replied.

"At this time of the night?"

A low hum was heard echoing in the four walls of the room, making the tanned male rather curious at the sudden silence. Seconds passed and he heard a door shut, biting his lip before sitting up from his position. He was contemplating rather to talk to Yukhei, follow the dude that just left, or just stay on his bed and stare at the ceiling – thinking of his decisions in life for the next couple of hours.

Donghyuck sighed, taking the second decision before sliding off the bed, making sure to bring his blanket with him since who knows how cold it was outside right now.

"You too?"

Donghyuck gazed at Taeil whose sitting up comfortably, his bed leaned up as Doyoung's head was on the older's shoulder. It was a wholesome sight, not going to lie, but Donghyuck didn't have much time to coo since he wanted to follow the person who went out of the ward.

"Y-Yeah," The tanned male stuttered, not really finding himself telling his exact reason to Taeil.

He didn't even wait for the older's response and started making his way out of the ward, making sure not to slam the door and wake the other sleeping patients. Donghyuck looked at his left and right, trying to look at the person who just left and also making sure that nurses won't catch him lurking around at this time of the night especially if the doctors were not around.

After making sure no one was around, Donghyuck made his way to the first place that appeared on his mind – the rooftop.

Since there's not much place in here to feel some fresh air besides the rooftop, Donghyuck thought the person went there even if it was a restricted area – unless this person was stupid enough to go to the ground floor and go through the main door of the hospital and stay there for some fresh air.

Upon making his way to the stairs, Donghyuck immediately knew that the person went there after seeing slippers left on the stairs. It made the tanned male frown, was he trying to kill himself by freezing to death? It's not winter but Donghyuck could guarantee it was like winter cold every night.

The male hurriedly ran up the stairs, not really caring if it made loud sounds and gather the attention of the nurses on duty, all he wanted to see if the guy who left the ward is warm enough.

Opening the door while panting heavily like he just ran a marathon when he just walked up to two flights of stairs, Donghyuck's eyes immediately landed on the male on the bench, wearing nothing but his hospital clothes which was a very thin layer of fabric.

Donghyuck's breath created cloudy-like air as he breaths, that's how cold it is.

With the slippers on his hand that was found on the stairs, Donghyuck stood in front of the guy, eyes falling to worry as he recognized him as the depressed guy in the ward – Mark.

Mark raised a brow upon seeing someone he expected the least to come. He knew someone was going to follow him the moment he stepped out of the ward but to his surprise, it was the one he expected the least.

"What are you doing here?"

Donghyuck didn't reply and threw the slippers on the floor, noticing how the male on the bench was barefooted. "I don't know, probably kill myself."

Mark was offended, thinking that the tanned male was just joking when it isn't a good joke especially if you tell it to a suicidal person. But seeing how the tanned male looked like he was serious about what he said, Mark didn't hesitate to shut his mouth up.

Donghyuck just stared at him, not wanting to move from his place as the canadian stared at the slippers on the ground, finding the coldness of the floor comfortable under his feet.

"I.. Was worried."

That statement made Mark look up, making eye contact with the tanned male who showed no signs of lying. As for Donghyuck, that wasn't exactly the reason for him following Mark but it suddenly became the main reason the moment he saw the canadian's slippers left on the stairs at this cold of a night.

"I know, you might think of me as a liar but I really am worried," Donghyuck added after seeing the older's blank look at him.

"You could've freezed to death if I didn't follow you. Or worse, you could be standing on the corner of the rooftop, ready to die."

What was Donghyuck doing? He doesn't exactly know. Though something inside him tells him that telling some truth to this guy won't hurt him like what they did in the past.

"What are you—"

"Shut up and listen to me!" The tanned male yelled. Heck, he didn't know what's gotten into him and started scolding Mark. "There are a lot of people who wants you alive and kicking, why in the world would you think of dying? And what are you wearing this kind of clothing on a cold fucking night, are you going to freeze yourself!?"

What is Donghyuck doing (2)? He doesn't know one bit. He just started blurting things out what is coming into his mind.

"At least think of the people who still love and care for you! Dying isn't the right choice, okay? You're still precious in someone's life—"

Donghyuck didn't get to continue what he was saying when he heard a low yet genuine chuckle. The tanned male blinked, did Mark just chuckle?

It made Hyuck unconsciously smile after seeing a small smile plaster on the canadian's face.

"You blabber too much, you know that?"

Mark stifled a laugh before reaching his hand out and pulling the blanket that's loosely hung around the younger's body, standing up and wrapping it on both his and Donghyuck's body – pulling the two of them down on the bench.

What is Donghyuck doing (3)? Blushing like crazy.

Seems like he also forgot about his own illness.

Despite the blanket being thin as heck and Mark's cold body against his, Donghyuck didn't mind and just let the canadian do whatever he likes – with sharing a blanket being the first option.

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