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sir the diSRESPECT?
happiest birthday to the loml, injunnie <3


"No," Taeil stepped in, sitting up from his lying position as he stared at both Jaehyun and Sungchan's figures back and forth, "No one's going out, no one's helping someone, as much as I also want to."


"Hear me out;" The male raised his hand to shut Donghyuck up, signaling that he wasn't done talking yet. "We're mentally unstable and we should not use our disorders for granted. We are here in the same room not to use our disorders, but to avoid them taking control of ourselves." Taeil wanted them to understand, because who knows if it can get worse?

Now that they think of it, Taeil is right. They are here because they should be getting better, not getting worse. It made the room engulf in silence once more, some mentally praying that Sungchan wouldn't lose control especially when he shouldn't be unstrapped from his bed, some trying to sink in what Taeil explained, and some thinking of a way to convince the oldest that it's their time to help Kun after all these years.

"But Taeil hyung," Another voice echoed against the four walls of the room, "These past few months, after Kun ge brought us together, weren't you, or us, getting better?"

The sentence made Taeil purse his lips in a thin line, he wasn't fully recovered and he's still traumatized from his past, but he'll admit it made him feel a lot better. Chenle stared at his figure that was just after Jisung's bed beside him, holding back the will to chuckle at the sight of Jisung looking highkey lost on their conversation from his peripheral vision.

"There are ups and downs to what Jaehyun hyung is planning, and I know our lives matter here, but if we help them, just this once." Hendery adds, unintentionally giving Taeil his pleading eyes.

"Hendery, I don't think this is a good idea..." Dejun cut him off, genuinely concerned for them all. He also thinks this is too much for every single one of them, not to mention the newly added patient inside that doesn't seem to have a cure over his syndrome.

"Can you guys like, shut up for a second?" Jaemin's voice resonates, making the others comply because Jaemin can be (either) very violent or panic to the point that he couldn't help but run away.

Five, ten seconds passed before Jaemin could heave a loud sigh. It was quite surprising that even Sungchan didn't utter a word. The white haired male sat up and looked around, noticing that all eyes are on him. "How are you guys sure that everything will be okay? Heck, you don't even know where to go."

"Neo City Hospital." Taeyong uttered, enough fot both Jaehyun and Johnny to hear since they were the only ones closest to him.

Jaehyun could only blink, he didn't think it was that far.

Johnny stared at the other patient that turned the light on, looking so bothered and uneasy. He didn't know what to do or what to say since he couldn't speak in the first place.

"See? You guys don't know where they are right now," Jaemin ended, plopping his body back on the bed and closed his eyes to hopefully get himself to sleep.

The room was once again filled with silence for the third time, which both Yuta and Jaemin finds satisfying at how the air conditioning was the only pne that was making a sound.

Not until one had to break it.

As if a light bulb flickered inside his head, Jaehyun's eyes lightened up, "How about we go, but only those who are willing?"

"I already told you, this isn't a—"

Just as Taeil was about to explain everything again, he just had to shut his mouth quickly because of the one who cut him off – Yukhei. "I agree,"

"No one is—"

"I'm going with that." Donghyuck nodded, turning his head to the beds beside him to hopefully make them nod their heads.

Having no choice, almost half of them nodded at the idea, some of them are still debating, and some of them disagreed. The ones who disagreed o
liked the idea of returning the help, but they're concerned because it can really make their disorders worse than they already are.

Who knows what will happen.

"You guys aren't actually going, right?" Taeil sighed in defeat, seeing almost half of them nodding at the idea while some of them are either confused or disapproving. "Then I guess I can't do anything about it."

Jaehyun's lips curved up in a small smile, it's risky, but worth it. "It's settled then—"

"On one condition," Taeil stared at Jaehyun in a distance, since his bed is located almost in the back.

The others stared at Taeil who started looking around with his hand up and his index finger sticking out, pointing out at certain people. "Johnny, Renjun, Taeyong, Shotaro, Dejun, Chenle, and Sungchan won't come— as well as myself."

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟

In the end, they get to convince Taeil to let Sungchan come – as long as Jaehyun had him in control.

It was half past two in the morning, about six of them getting ready to sneak out of this place just to help the doctor that took care of them. A nurse came to check up on them not too long ago, which made them act quickly yet quietly like ninjas. Jaehyun was the one at risk, since he didn't get the time to jump back on his bed but the nurse didn't seem to notice.

And it was surprising to see that Sungchan isn't feeling himself crave for a certain thing then and there.


The said male that volunteered to come not long ago, ripped the IV that was connected to him rather harshly just when he heard his name being called by a soft voice he always wanted to hear.


"Are you really going to go?" Renjun's eyes were watering since he was genuinely concerned and scared, especially if Jeno's coming too. "W-What if something might happen to all of you?"

The fact that this was the first time Renjun came up to him and talked to him first was very surprising – and who is Jeno to ignore him? The younger pulled him in a loose hug, to hopefully calm the chinese down since he looked like he would cry any time soon.

"Nothing's going to happen, okay?" Jeno pulled away, ruffling the older's brunet hair, "Trust us on this. Besides, Jaemin's just there to be with you."

Renjun's heart started to beat faster as he remembered the very same day when he saw Jeno strangling Jaemin to death, "B-But you—"

"Shh," Jeno hushed and pulled the smaller in a tight hug, "Don't reminisce the past, okay? Jaewon hyung already asked Thena to talk to Alpha about it. And I won't let Alpha take over me again,"

Renjun could only hug back, not that he understood anyways but he felt kind of comforted.

"Oh god, stop with the sweetness, ants are already coming." Doyoung could only comment bitterly before tucking himself back to his bed, making sure to cover his face with the this ass blanket as he could feel his heart tighten at the sight.

"I already argued about this," Taeil says, obviously concerned for their health, "Please, please, promise me you'll be back okay."

"We will," Jaehyun smiled, though he's not so sure how to go there and how to keep them safe.

─── ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ───

(edit) i know this is wrong but for the sake of the story, let's just go with the flow hihi

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