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Jaemin looked up, making eye contact with Jeno who was slightly trembling. The younger male blinked, flashbacks of what happened days ago came back in his mind but he shrugged the thought off. Past is past, forgive forget.

"Hey, what's up?" Jaemin softly replies, eyebrows creasing upon seeing the older trying his best not to cry.

"I- I just wanna apologize." Jeno took a deep breath, "D-Dr. Ji said that that side w-won't trigger anymore, b-but I guess it did."

By now, Jeno is crying and Jaemin immediately went soft. The younger stood up from his bed and pulled the other down to comfort him. "Hush now.. It's fine." Jaemin wrapped his arms around the older, patting his back as Jeno sobbed in his shoulder.

"I-It's not.. G-God, I f-feel bad." Jeno managed to say, finding himself calming down in the younger's arms.

Jaemin smiled slightly, still hushing the crying male down as he mumbled a lot of 'sorry's and 'forgive me's. "You must like Renjun so much, huh?"

Jeno pulled away, using his sleeves to wipe his tears away before nodding. "I-I do. I'm- I'm not gonna deny."

The white haired male chuckled, "I figured."

Doyoung stared at them from his bed as they made up. It has been days and Jaemin just came back to the ward right now and seeing how Jeno came up to him and apologized the first thing made his heart flutter. He sighed and looked away as to how they made up made him remember the time when he forgave his ex for the third time– okay, now's not the right time to talk about it.

He stood up from his bed and is about to make his way out of the ward when he heard Chenle's voice echo inside the room – which also caught everyone's attention.

"Taeil hyung, wake up!" Chenle said as he stared at the trembling male on the other bed – not even wanting to come close to him and shake him awake. "Hyung, wake up!"

Doyoung ran up to them, despite feeling his heart beat rapidly and him starting to sweat nonstop and shook the older male awake. "Taeil hyung, wake up."

Doyoung's heart started to ache, but he didn't care. He wanted to help. "Hyung!" He tried shaking him, but Taeil didn't budge and kept on trembling as speaking nonsense in his sleep. "Someone call Dr. Qian!"

"Doyoung hyung, you're shaking!" Jisung mentioned, standing up from his bed as he approached the older male and tried to pull him away from Taeil.

Taeyong, who was close to where the button Kun usually presses to communicate with someone outside of the ward, messily rushed to the small red button and pressed it hastily. "H-Hello? I-If someone can hear me, s-something's wrong here. Pl-Please come quickly."

Jisung managed to pull Doyoung away from Taeil as the other patients went to help the trembling male on the bed.

"J-Jisung let me go.."

"Hyung, no, you're having a panic attack," Jisung stated and placed both his hands on the older male's shoulders, remembering the things his doctor told him whenever he does CBT. "Take a deep breath, hyung. Calm down, don't think of the things that stress you out. Think of the things that make you happy."

The way Doyoung is starting to calm down as Jisung told him comforting words surprised the other patients in the room. Jisung's illness is no joke and it worsened as he grew up. He would frequently have a hard time breathing in a random time or whenever they talk about dead things– and seeing how he was the one calming down his Doyoung hyung is a huge sign that Jisung is coping up with his fears.

Not long after, the door of the ward opened revealing Dr. Qian and a few nurses – immediately rushing to where the commotion is.

Jisung stood up from the floor as a nurse took over to calm the panicking male down.

"Take patient 1406 out of the ward right now and make sure Dr. Ji knows about this. As for patient 0201, call Prof. Son and tell her he is having panic attacks." Dr. Qian said as the other patients in the room did as told.

Once the two patients, as well as the doctor and the nurses, are out of the room, Jisung went back to his bed and sighed, hoping they are okay.

"Never thought you can make someone calm down."

Jisung looked up at the one who spoke, smiling as he took a deep breath. "I guess doing CBT for a long time helps."

Chenle's small smile turned into a frown, "CBT's only for a short time, right?"

The youngest nodded, "But my illness said otherwise."

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