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"You know, now that I think of it, Ilsik's trial was bullshit,"

Kun hummed in reply, not tearing his eyes off the plain, blue sky without a single form of cloud in it. Sihye sat on the floor just beside the doctor's body that was laying flat on the ground, gazing up the sky.

Not longer than a week was when the old man was proven guilty. It's like a burden was lifted off from every one of them, thanking the heavens that they survived in that hellhole without someone dying. As of now, Jungwoo was still in the main hospital but Hendery was already transferred back where he was originally from, except in a seperate room for now.

Aside from Sungchan being moved from the Irregular Ward to a seperate room as well as Mark being released from the hospital, the place and the other patients didn't seem to change at all.

Jaehyun didn't stop blaming himself about Hendery and Jungwoo as well. He wasn't entirely wrong, and he wasn't right either. Yuta was by far the most angered among them as he didn't get to swing a single fist to the one who caused so much trouble. Jeno... they're still the same, just Jaewon arguing with Thena inside the host's head.

Yangyang was back in Wendy's apartment, slowly regaining his ability to learn with the help of the said female.

"Why's that?" Kun said after, still unbothered to face the female.

"He didn't have to go on trial, it was obvious he already knew he lost, yet he still agreed to go through it." The lady stated. Kun shrugs as he didn't know what goes on in whatever his past friend's life is, "Maybe because he believed in another chance?"

Sihye rolled her eyes at the other's statement, "Chance, my ass. He manipulated me, betrayed you, and almost killed two of your patients, he doesn't need another chance."

The male didn't reply, letting the lady's words sink in his mind. Sihye was right, he was nothing but a manipulative, self-centered man who jumps to conclusions easily. The past Ilsik wasn't like that at all, hell Kun and him were so close that they helped each other achieve their chosen careers.

Or maybe it's because of the events when his own nephew took the lives of their family.

"Hey, Sihye..."

It was the female's turn to hum in reply, finding herself mesmerized at how the sky was so blue without a tinge of cloud in sight.

"I'm sorry."

The lady flashed him a baffled look. "For what?"

"You know... you aren't as bad as what I expected," Kun made eye contact, the corner of his lips curving up in a smile. "Back in the hospital when we worked together, I thought you were too full of yourself and would just flex your beauty and your wealth."

Sihye chuckled, "You aren't wrong."

They shared a quick laugh. "Glad you admit it yourself."

"Please, I don't even know why Ms. Kwon accepted my application. I barely survived residency, I'm still in my vocational training." Sihye snorts at the thought. A lot has happened during her student years, huh?

"So is Wendy." Kun shrugged and tore his eyes away from Sihye to the sky once again.

Sitting up, Kun released a deep breath of relief. "The sabotages from the emergency rooms stopped, right?"

Humming as she nods, "Ilsik was also the one who caused it, thinking Ms. Kwon would let you come here so he can destroy your name and reputation." Sihye explained, knowing the fact from Ilsik himself because she knew about it from the very beginning -- before Ms. Kwon sent her off to Kun's hospital. "How immature of me to not tell you anything."

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