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xiao x dery x yang

"I am disappointed, Hansol."

And back to this topic again, the said male smiled sheepishly and Kun could feel it despite being behind the phone. Hearing a loud sigh from the other line, Hansol felt guilty for not checking the Irregular Ward like what Kun would always do – though you couldn't blame him, he's the CEO of the hospital and he had to take care of other things as well.

"I'm sorry, okay? I was just too busy, especially with Sihye." Hansol wiped his face with his hand, signing the official record for Yangyang's discharge. "She was being a bitch as always."

"Professor Yoon isn't an excuse for you not to look after them and let them rest the whole afternoon," And the chinese male nagged at him once again, "Besides, it's your fault that you accepted her in the first place."

"I didn't know she's a pain in the ass! And it was from Ms. Kwon, I couldn't just turn it down?"

"Hansol, I already told you, even Ms. Kwon didn't like her one bit. It's either she used money for Ms. Kwon to let her go there, or she flirted with someone from the higher ups— shit, I have to hang up. We got a code black here." That was all it took for Kun to hang up, not even letting Hansol speak.

"And yeah, I'll be sleeping on the couch again," The doctor muttered under his breath, standing up from his chair and walking out of his office.

It was the next day and Kun mayhaps found out last night about Hansol forgetting about the other twenty two patients in the Irregular Ward, making him nag at the older for the whole night until today. And for Hansol, it was honestly quite tired of hearing it coming from his boyfriend's mouth.

The doctor stood up, giving a last glance at Yangyang's medical record and heaving a deep sigh, he made his way out of his office and let a nurse he met on the way page for Prof. Son since she will be the one to take him home.

Upon arriving at the doors of the ward, Hansol clutched on the clipboard that contained Yangyang's record and of course the official statement to leave the hospital before knocking on the door.

He didn't wait for anyone to open or anyone to say a soft 'come in' because one, it's a hospital, and two, it's not like they would answer. The doctor smiled at the patients who were silently eating their breakfast and greeted the nurses inside who were assisting the patients if something's wrong.

Hansol frowned upon seeing the bed of the patient he wanted to see empty. He glanced at the one located beside the empty bed, who also made eye contact with him whilst having his cheeks stuffed with food. And Hansol mayhaps found it adorable.

"Where's Yangyang?" The doctor proceeded to break the comfortable silence in the room, voice echoing on the four walls.

With Shotaro's mouth full of food, he motioned with his pinky finger where the asked male was, making the doctor look at the given direction and making eye contact with Yangyang, who apparently is sitting comfortably on Dejun's bed and looked like he's trying to make the older eat.

The sight melted Hansol, Yangyang was trying his best to help others feel better.

"Hey, Yang." It's almost like Hansol didn't want to separate them – but he has to.

The said male hummed in response, chewing on his food carefully as he didn't stop making eye contact with Hansol. Seeing how the doctor smiled sadly made something in Yangyang feel troubled. Did he do something wrong? Is he supposed to be on his bed and not pester on Dejun and Hendery?

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