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He heard a faint click on the door, looking up from doing his assignments only to lock eyes with his brother. "Ge?"

His eyes started to twitch, suddenly feeling hot despite the cold temperature in the room.

"On the bed," His brother's voice boomed, "Now."

Sweat started rolling down his forehead and bare back, eyebrows furrowing as his lips pursed in a tight line - breaths uneven.

"Ge-" The boy's breath hitched, feeling himself being thrown on the bed.

Jisung opened his eyes after not drifting off to dreamland for who knows how long - hearing soft yet shallow breaths on the bed beside him. He sat up abruptly, alarmed upon seeing Chenle's body with sweats rolling down his face.


"G-Ge, s-stop.. please.." The boy desperately pleaded, screaming upon feeling his pants discarded, as well as earning a smack from his brother.

"Chenle, wake up." Jisung blinked, heart beating rapidly upon seeing how the chinese's body started to shake more. He took a glance at the clock, seeing that it's four in the afternoon but it felt like early in the morning as the others were sleeping and the lights were off. Jisung slid off the bed, slipping on his slippers as he approached the male.

Tears rolling down his eyes, Chenle felt the man's hand on his mouth, silencing the screams and moans eliciting from the chinese.

By now, Chenle's eyes have tears rolling down on them and Jisung was about to shake him awake when he remembered what his illness was. Jisung bit his lip, looking for a way to wake him up.

"Chenle, wake up, please." The korean tried to wake him up in a soft yet audible voice since he didn't want the others to wake up especially Yukhei - but it wasn't working.

"Don't you like it this way, Lele?"

More tears fell off his eyes, his body shaking aggressively and his clothes and bed started to get drenched in sweat. Jisung bit his lip after seeing the chinese having a hard time, looking around for any source of thing to wake him up.

"Chenle, wake up please." With nothing to see, he still tried to wake him up.

Seeing something moving on his peripheral vision, Sicheng turned to look at his side to see Chenle shaking on the bed as well as Jisung trying to wake the chinese up. That made Sicheng alarmed, prying the earphones away from his ears before sliding down the bed and went on the other side of Chenle's.

"Hyung, don't touch him," Jisung said as he saw Sicheng's arms about to touch Chenle and wake him up.

The other chinese raised a brow, "Why- H-How are we going to wake h-him up?"

That made the younger shrug, eyes darting at Chenle whose mouth is slightly agape, soft yet uneven breaths coaxing out of his mouth.

"P-Please stop, g-ge.." Chenle muttered in chinese which Jisung failed to understand but enough for Sicheng to hear. The chinese turned to lock eyes with Jisung's confused ones, explaining what the male on the bed just said.

Jisung furrowed his eyebrows, remembering the words Chenle told him that was the cause of his phobia - immediately realizing that he was having a vivid flashback in his sleep.

And for sure Chenle's going to freak out the moment he opened his eyes, but he knew better than leaving the chinese suffering.

Sicheng didn't know what was Chenle's, not like he also knew the others except for Yuta's, illness but for sure he was confused as to why Jisung told him not to touch the suffering chinese, yet here is he right now - shaking Chenle awake.

Chenle's eyes burst open after feeling someone shake him, immediately backing away from that someone and hugging his body while tears roll out of his eyes uncontrollably. Jisung backed off, leaving Sicheng to calm him down.

The good thing is Chenle didn't really scream in panic, but the bad thing is Jisung just touched him. He never intended to let his skin come in contact with Chenle's - heck, he didn't even want to touch him, but it's better to shake him awake than reminiscing all the memories from the past in a vivid dream.

"Shh, Chenle-yah, it's okay, it's okay.. Calm down.." Sicheng said, about to touch the younger chinese and pull him in a hug when Jisung stopped him.

"Hyung, please don't touch him." Mine was enough.

Sicheng was still confused but complied, mumbling a few words in a soft yet deep tone to hush Chenle down. This wasn't Sicheng's forte, of course, since he usually stays at the back and refuses to say something - even refusing to hold a microphone. But seeing that Jisung doesn't want to get closer to Chenle right now and the others are in a deep sleep, he has no choice but to help the younger chinese calm down.

It made Jisung guilty. If he can recall, he was the first one to know about the cause of phobia to the chinese - finally getting the spark of hope that the Chenle can trust him.

But what did he do? He lost it.

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟

"Let's leave patient 1406 at the ICU for a few days or so," Wendy suggested, playing with the pen as she looked at the other doctors in the room for agreement, "Since I think his sister had a huge effect on him."

"Ms. Moon told me the possibility of his PTSD and that is when she left their abusive household," Sooyoung added, "Their parents were abusive and she left, leaving 1406 behind at age 22."

"You can be traumatized at that age?" Hansol asked, earning a facepalm from Kun and giggles from Wendy and Sooyoung.

"Anything is possible. Taeil has anxiety even before her sister left, at least that's what Ms. Moon told me." Sooyoung ended, motioning Wendy to write the information down on the patient's profile.

Kun just hummed at their talks, though this meeting isn't really about the patients in the Irregular Ward. "Okay so patient 1406 is clear for now, what about patient 1010?"

"We can send him home-" Hansol abruptly halted in his words, remembering Kun's words from before, "Or we can discharge him and let him stay here in a room."

"Are you crazy or are you just dumb?" Sooyoung massaged her temples as Hansol shrugged, "I'm a psychotherapist,"

Sooyoung was about to say something in return when she gave up, taking Hansol's jokes seriously. The four shared silence as they thought about what to do with the dyslexic patient, the fact that he wasn't supposed to be here is bothering them - even though they already knew how did he come here.

Wendy raised her hand, earning the attention of the others, "We can discharge him and I'll let him stay at home. I can help with his learning disabilities and keep an eye on him,"

Kun nodded, "That's somewhat okay, as long as Yangyang agrees with it."

"So are we done?" Sooyoung asked, about to stretch when Kun shook his head, earning confused gazes from the other psychiatrists.

"I have to go to Neo City Hospital for about two weeks and I need someone to look after the patients inside Irregular Ward." Kun sighed, as much as he didn't want to go, he has to. "Can one of you guys watch over them?"

"I can."

Kun blinked as they turned to look at the owner of the voice inside the room. The lady smiled at them, raising the files she took at the office a while ago.

"I can watch over them for you,"

And that's when the chaos starts.

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