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lmao i don't do laws and courtroom shit but lezgetit



The loud sound of the gavel hitting the hard, wooden surface grabbed the attention of the witnesses, attorneys, and the jurors as they once again almost drifted from the decorum of the trial proceedings. Both attorneys cleared their throat and faced the judge who was clearly not happy with all the chaos that just happened.

Hansol could only hold Kun's hand under the table, plastering a blank expression whilst the latter was evidently bothered.

How did they go from normal psychologists who are supposed to help their patient get better, to shaken victims and witnesses of both failed and attempted murder?

"Atty. Kim, continue." The judge told, adjusting his glasses as he put his gaze back on the paper.

The attorney spared Hansol a look before clearing his throat, there is no way he'll let them lose this case. "As I aforementioned, Your Honor, from this one solid evidence and the number of witnesses, there is no doubt Jung Ilsik shall be dictated guilty and suffer the consequences. His petty reason for doing such immature actions isn't adequate to spend a year in jail."

"Objection, Your Honor!" The other attorney spoke yet again, sending half of the jurors as well as the witnesses in annoyance. "Jung Ilsik mentioned that one of the so-called witnesses killed his sister and her entire family, that being Jung Sungchan diagnosed with a medical condition. I believe that is one of the reasons why he acted that way."

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, there are so many ways to avenge for a family, and attempting to murder the one whom you thought is the actual cause isn't one of the primary reasons." Atty. Kim cuts, pure determination written over his face as he glanced at the defendant. "If Jung Ilsik did know that his nephew is diagnosed with a condition, why would he still blame the doctor who's trying his best to help the patient recover?"

Right, Ilsik went quiet and motionless. Attempting to kill a dear friend after coming to the conclusion of him being the cause of my nephew's behavior... What was I thinking?

"Your Honor..." The attorney in Ilsik's side spoke softly, sending Ilsik a look of defeat as she had no more words to say.

The judge, who clearly saw the look of defeat on her face, just nodded in understanding before turning to the jurors who were talking. "Members of the jury, have you reached a verdict?"

The twelve of them didn't answer for a brief moment as they were discussing, sending Ilsik to an overdrive -- he badly wants this to finish and just accept his fate. They were right; it was immature of him to do such things and almost killed two people that just wanted to be well again.

"Yes, Your Honor, we have. However, we would like some explanations from the defandant, do we have the permission?" The jury spokesperson said, standing up from his seat to face the court officials.


"Mr. Jung, how are you so certain it was Qian Kun who made your nephew act that way?"

Slowly the atmosphere clouded with silence and all eyes were on the defendant, silently and patiently waiting for an answer. It was bugging Kun as well, when he found out back in the office, but it just hit him as of the moment since it kind of ticked off his mind when he was resting the past week.

A minute or two passed and Ilsik was still unable to utter a word. The judge heaves a sigh and was about to hit his gavel once again, but is stopped by a female voice resonating in the courtroom.

"I believe I can explain it on his behalf, Your Honor." Sihye told, standing up from beside Hansol and drove the other two doctors into a state of panic.

The judge blinked, slowly putting the gavel down before nodding as a signal to continue.

"As far as I know, Ilsik mentioned about Kun letting Sungchan watch those criminal documentaries during his youth which developed an addiction. However," Sihye paused for a second and took a folder that was sitting on the table, walking towards the court officials and giving it to them.

"According to Noll's pastiche, it starts with curiosity and develops to sipping their own blood before turning to addiction much like sexual arousal. One is also because of a skin condition called porphyria, slowly believing that they are vampires because of this -- thus, the Renfield's Syndrome."

Sihye flashed Ilsik a look of pity, she was once on his side but after seeing what he was planning on doing, it irked her so much and already knew what her doings are wrong.

"That folder holds the details for Jung Sungchan's medical records as I have researched it myself. And no doubt it followed the basis of Noll's pastiche..." Sihye trailed, keeping the feelings of pity inside her as she knew there is no turning back once she said this. "Therefore, I guarantee Qian Kun has nothing to do with the Jung family's death by their youngest child."

Ilsik bit his bottom lip, eyes blearing at the statements given. From the start, he already knew he lost, the moment he caught a glimpse of the kid who was holding up a phone and recorded the conversation.

The judge nodded, grasping the gavel once again. "Members of the jury, on the case of Jung Ilsik versus Neo City, what will you say?"

"Your Honor, the members of the jury finds the defendant guilty!" The jury spokesperson announced with passion, since he was rather annoyed at this trial because it was a petty reason for an attempted murder.

"Members of the Jury, this court dismisses you and thanks you for a job well done. Jung Ilsik is proven guilty and will be serving a life-sentence prison for first degree attempted murder." The judge hits the gavel, echoing sharply in the hall as it lessened the tension that grew moments ago.

"This court is adjourned."

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟

"You are sick for researching the nephew's illness alone, damn." Junmyeon, their attorney, punched Sihye's arm lightly, still not believing that they won the trial. I mean it was predictable that they'll win, but everytime he wins a case, it still felt surreal. "Have you seen the look on his face? God, it was hopeless when you spoke-"

Who knew their attorney was still childish to the point that he celebrates as if he won the arm wrestling game? He just wouldn't stop babbling.

"You alright?" Hansol voiced, tilting his head to the side to check up on Kun that still had his head down despite being out of the building.

The chinese gave him a silent treatment, stopping midway to their car and immediately caught Hansol off. The taller stopped as well, facing his dozed off boyfriend and was about to ruffle his hair to get his attention when Kun was the first one to move and hug the older.

"Holy- fuck, you scared me." Hansol chuckled, wrapping his arms around the chinese as well and caressed his air for comfort.

"Don't forget that we're in public, people! We're in public!"

"Oh, Junmyeon, shut up!"

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